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Playing Music is a Privilege, Not a Right

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Attitude of GratitudeI just came back from Daytona Beach where Bike Week was going on.  There was lots and lots of live music there at a number of venues up and down Main Street.  It’s a huge event (size-wise as well as credibility-wise).  People come from near and far to take part in Bike Week.  As a result, being one of the bands chosen to perform at/during the event is a big deal.  That’s an impressive entry

Get More Bookings – Maximize Your Time and Your Lead Sources

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Chart on computer screenWe’re into March now.  How is the new year going for you?  And by that I don’t mean have you stuck with your new year’s resolution.  (Well, unless it was a business goal that you set instead of something personal.)

But how IS 2017 looking so far in terms of business?  Were January and February this year better than those two months were in 2016?

You Can Never Have Too Many Contacts

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

HandshakeI wonder if the expression “sound like a broken record” is lost on the millennials, in light of music being primarily digital.  Granted, some artists actually are releasing on vinyl again, but I’m sure that there is a huge segment of the population that doesn’t know what those large size black discs are all about.  Oh well, I digress.

When a Performer Should Fire a Venue

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

You're firedAs an aspiring performer, you're constantly looking for your next gig.  It's great to have a place or two (or three) where you perform regularly.  Maybe the venue has you play there once a week, once a month, or somewhere in between.  Even still, you're always looking for other "one-off" gigs, as some people like to say.  As someone who's always thinking from a promotional perspective, I prefer "one night only."

NAMM Show had Opportunities for All

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

NAMM show logoThe Winter 2017 NAMM show ended yesterday here in Anaheim, California.  For four days, thousands packed the Anaheim Convention Center to talk, view, and demonstrate audio technology.  The attendees ranged from beginners to intermediate to pros.  The latter included the likes of Stevie Wonder, John Mayer, Billy Bob Thornton, and even Johnny Depp, among others.