Maintaining Social Media Sanity
I’m often heard saying that on “Now Hear This Entertainment” I don’t interview the likes of Bruce Springsteen or Katy Perry or Jon Bon Jovi (although if they get wind of the show and want to come on, I’d happily make an exception). Similarly, this blog isn’t intended for people named Kylie Jenner or Kim Kardashian or Beyoncé, but yes, I’d happily accept their tweeting
The Many Benefits of Performing Online
On the episode of “Now Hear This Entertainment” that will come out next Wednesday (on Dec. 14th) singer/songwriter Viktoria Tocca checks in from Sweden. And while, yes, we do play a couple of – original! – Christmas songs from her EP, the conversation goes to an interesting teaching moment.
Still Thankful – Not Just One Day a Year
Anyone who writes a blog that comes out on Thursdays surely put it on auto-pilot last week and cranked out the easy, predictable “things I’m thankful for” essay. After all, that was Thanksgiving Day here in the United States.
Why Musicians NEED to Blog
This week we have another guest blog, this time, about why you should be writing such yourself! Kathleen Gage is an online marketing strategist, speaker, author, product creation specialist, and owner of Power Up For Profits. She works with creatives who identify as conscious entrepreneurs ready to quit playing small in order that they can get their signature message out in a BIG way through speaking, writing, information products and a targeted online presence.
How to Write a Holiday Song That Isn’t Terrible
This week we’re back to having a guest blogger. Mella Barnes is a Detroit-based singer/songwriter. She authored the book Way Less Cowbell - How to Communicate Your Musical Ideas. To read more from her, visit and then also check out to learn more about her and the various endeavors she’s involved with.
Lessons Learned. Action!
I remember having Rob Zarrilli out on a speaking engagement. In his introduction he cautioned the audience about conference attendees who take extensive notes, get all charged up and excited, but then get back home and upon returning to work put the notepad in the bottom drawer, never to see the light of day again.
Who is YOUR Street Team?
Last week in my blog I was referencing clichés and while this might not get that label, “street team” has become a very heavily used expression over the last several years in the music industry. The concept of having other “boots on the ground” (okay, I’ll stop with the clichés, I promise) to help get the word out about your music is helpful when you’re trying to do every
Paying Your Dues DOES Pay Off
Nobody likes clichés and, in particular, in the music business no performer likes to hear the “paying your dues” cliché. The good news is, though, that there is a light at the end of the paying your dues tunnel.
Put the Phone Down and Watch the Performance
Yesterday in the local newspaper there was an article about a national problem. Heck, we might as well call it an international issue. The pop music/culture critic wrote about the epidemic that is fans going to concerts and recording video of the show with their smartphone.
Maximizing Your Time at Festivals and Events
As you know from last week’s blog, I was at the 8th Pensacola Beach Songwriters Festival when this month started. True, longtime Now Hear This client Melissa Brethauer was performing there. This was our sixth time at that event together and i