Don’t Have a Following? Then Just Say So
One night last week I was out visiting venues. One band in particular that I book is a good fit for the sites that I chose to go to that evening, which in itself is maybe a lesson or a blog for another time (not trying to get booked at a place that you’re not a fit for).
Early Quittin’ Time? Not in This Business!
As is the case with many of my blogs, this week’s was again inspired by something that I witnessed recently. Yesterday I took it to the Facebook group, where we’ve been having quite a hearty discussion on the matter. Wow. Quite a hearty discussion. I was going to we
Do It Your F***ing Self
This week the blog is contributed by a guest who is an independent musician speaking to independent musicians. On the episode of “Now Hear This Entertainment” released last week she referred to having written this, so it seemed fitting to provide it on our site to our audience as well. Here is the submission from singer/songwriter Ashley E. Norton, who is one half of the folk/Americana duo Whitherward.
No Reason NOT to Collaborate
I was sad recently to hear about a hardworking musician that I know who isn’t currently working in a band environment. While this person isn’t someone I am in continual contact with, I do know that there had been some good things happening for the group this person was with, including bookings in one of the “big three” U.S. cities for music.
Your Key Connection Could be Right Next to You (So Beware)
For privacy reasons and since this is currently an active discussion that’s happening, I need to withhold names and specifics, but it won’t take away from the impact and importance.
Read All About It: Benefit From a Good Book
It dawned on me as I wrote that headline that it’s rather ironic, given the company logo for Now Hear This, Inc. And yes, now your eyes are going to immediately seek out a refresher of what the NHT logo is. After all, we are curiosity seekers, aren’t we? We don’t know what we don’t know.
Or do we?
Leveraging Social Media to Make Connections
It’s easy to become numb to all the blogs written these days about social media. Some tell you which platforms to be on. Others talk about tips and tricks for using one or more. A lot of them are putting an emphasis on video, of course.
Playing Music is a Privilege, Not a Right
I just came back from Daytona Beach where Bike Week was going on. There was lots and lots of live music there at a number of venues up and down Main Street. It’s a huge event (size-wise as well as credibility-wise). People come from near and far to take part in Bike Week. As a result, being one of the bands chosen to perform at/during the event is a big deal. That’s an impressive entry
Get More Bookings – Maximize Your Time and Your Lead Sources
We’re into March now. How is the new year going for you? And by that I don’t mean have you stuck with your new year’s resolution. (Well, unless it was a business goal that you set instead of something personal.)
But how IS 2017 looking so far in terms of business? Were January and February this year better than those two months were in 2016?
You Can Never Have Too Many Contacts
I wonder if the expression “sound like a broken record” is lost on the millennials, in light of music being primarily digital. Granted, some artists actually are releasing on vinyl again, but I’m sure that there is a huge segment of the population that doesn’t know what those large size black discs are all about. Oh well, I digress.