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Booking Yourself at the RIGHT Venue

By: Nancy Moran

Three weeks ago the blog on our site centered around booking yourself and being honest with venues about your following (or lack thereof).  The opening paragraph referred to a blog for another time, focusing on “not trying to get booked at a place that you’re not a fit for.”  Well, “another time” is now.  Today we have another guest blog, this time from Nashville-based Nancy Moran, who was the guest on our weekly show all the

Do You Sound Like Bill Murray’s “What About Bob?” Character (and that’s not a compliment)

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

I recently bumped into someone that I haven’t seen in probably two years.  Due to the large gap in time, there was not only the usual happy talk to warm ourselves back into conversation, but the requisite catching up took place in short order too.  And then it happened.

Crowdfunding – A First-hand Account

By: Jessica Lynn

There have been episodes of “Now Hear This Entertainment” where the guest has talked about their crowdfunding campaign.  As much as an effort IS made to get “What did/didn’t you like about it” input from the guest, there is always lots more ground to cover during those interviews.  So, today we have an entire blog contributed by a recent NHTE guest who is currently going through such a campaign.  Here’s what country

Do It Your F***ing Self

By: Ashley E. Norton

This week the blog is contributed by a guest who is an independent musician speaking to independent musicians.  On the episode of “Now Hear This Entertainment” released last week she referred to having written this, so it seemed fitting to provide it on our site to our audience as well.  Here is the submission from singer/songwriter Ashley E. Norton, who is one half of the folk/Americana duo Whitherward.

No Reason NOT to Collaborate

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Worldwide connectionsI was sad recently to hear about a hardworking musician that I know who isn’t currently working in a band environment.  While this person isn’t someone I am in continual contact with, I do know that there had been some good things happening for the group this person was with, including bookings in one of the “big three” U.S. cities for music.