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Winners: Sports & Entertainment and Giving Back

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Last week we saw global awareness for International Women’s Day.  Just over five weeks ago on Episode 208 of the “Now Hear This Entertainment” podcast we heard Blake Morgan talk about the IRespectMusic movement.  There have been many headlines in recent months about #MeToo and #TimesUp.  Then there are artists like Alyssa Jacey, the guest from both Episode 52 and

Don’t Just Go Through the Motions

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

“I don’t want to go through the motions.”  That’s a line from the chorus of a popular contemporary Christian song by Matthew West.  But it can also serve as another type of inspiration too.

Three nights ago I saw someone out playing somewhere, sitting, playing his guitar, and singing.  He didn’t look like he wanted to be there.  He was just ‘going through the motions.’

Hit Your Goals by Challenging Yourself

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Dream Set goal ActionAsk an independent artist what his or her goal is and you’ll probably get answers ranging from “a record deal” to “making a full-time living from doing music” or one of a few others that I don’t need to spend time predicting.  But, there are periods of frustration, times of laziness, or spurts when it gets challenging to see that this is all really going somewhere.

Don’t Be Remembered for the Wrong Reasons

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

singerI’ve probably blogged and I know I’ve definitely mentioned on “Now Hear This Entertainment” before that, say, 17-year olds shouldn’t be singing songs about life experiences that they couldn’t have had yet.  But what about going the other way, when a, say, 55-year old is singing songs that are very popular by the Ed Sheerans and the Maroon 5s of the world?  Unfortunately, there’s a strong chance of it just not being believable.

THIS Is Their ‘Why’

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Rose Cora Perry last week at the WhiskyIt’s a commonly used expression nowadays – almost, dare I say, overused – by life coaches, business consultants, sales trainers, and other motivational professionals.  People are being challenged regularly to “know (their) why.”  What’s the point of doing something if you’re not even sure of what your purpose is for that pursuit, why you do it?

The Music Business – Not for the Weak of Heart

By: Danny Brooks

Last week we ran an entry featuring the ten most read guest blogs on our website in 2017.  It’s somewhat fitting, then, that this week’s blog is the first such contribution of 2018, coming from a veteran of not only the music world but two past episodes of our weekly show (NHTE 19 and NHTE 106).  Danny Brooks is a Canadian-born, Texas-living singer, songwriter, multi-instrum