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Some of the Best Indie Clubs on the Las Vegas Strip to Get Gigs

By: Harvey Pratt

Las Vegas stripMany of the artists referred to here live nomadic lifestyles. They go wherever the music takes them, where the inspiration is rife. Some of them find a place in Las Vegas at one point in their life. It may be a town they pass through or where they eventually settle. It is a one-of-a-kind city with experiences and people also too unique to pass up.

7 Intangibles for Getting Booked for a House Concert

By: Barbara Routen

As evidenced by what was published here last week, this weekly blog is all about helping.  And with more and more performers nowadays drifting away from traditional music venues and into house concerts, the timing felt right to have someone who has their hand in that scene as a host (and thus booker) provide insights to increase your chances of getting booked for such.

It’s Okay to Ask for Help

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Coach the World secondary logoIf you talk to enough of your peers you eventually get some of them to open up and then you realize that they have the same challenges that you do.  I’m confident that if you read my blogs every week you nod your head in agreement because I’m addressing some of the very questions that you have yourself.  In fact, I hope you’re listening to “

Pay the Attorney So You Don’t Pay Later

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Attorney door signThere are a number of areas of your performance career that you invest in.  You pay a nice penny for your instruments and your sound gear.  There are costs associated with recording.  Even though you sell it, you bear the upfront costs of getting merch made.  Then there are expenses such as travel, food, and lodging.  When you go to events such as conferences there is a registration fee to attend.&nbs