Making Memories by Leaving it All on the Stage – Just Like Ed Sheeran
What? A concert review? That’s never before been done as one of the weekly blogs that have run on this site for over four years now. How does that help the readers who are aspiring performers? And besides, who ever heard of running a concert review five days after the show took place?
Dealing with Difficult People for Creative Professionals
I run events to support thousands of writers, screenwriters, filmmakers, and other creative professionals working here in Hollywood and worldwide. (You can learn more about my work at
Tribute Bands – Copyright/Trademark Infringement?
This week we again hear from Chris Tanner, who is an artist, musician, and inventor but is also a patent attorney. He holds several copyrights himself as a composer, is a former Patent Examiner, holds seven patents himself as an inventor, and has been practicing in patent, trademark, and copyright law for 21 years. More information can be found at either or
Work-Life Balance – How Do We Achieve It?
I just came back yesterday from Daytona Beach. Maybe it’s because I had just been with her two weeks before at the Pensacola Beach Songwriters Festival, but, my time this weekend made me think of Melissa Bret’s song, “Live Where You Vacation” (albeit maybe a derivation -- work where you vacation).
Copyright – Better Safe Than Sorry
Chris Tanner is an artist, musician, and inventor but is also a patent attorney. He holds several copyrights himself as a composer, is a former Patent Examiner, holds seven patents himself as an inventor, and has been practicing in patent, trademark, and copyright law for 21 years. More information can be found at either or
Music Modernization Act Heads to Oval Office
The Music Modernization Act (MMA) is headed to the President’s desk for signature following unanimous approval from the House of Representatives and the Senate. The bill, now called the “Orrin G. Hatch Music Modernization Act” (H.R.
A Performance Rights Organization isn’t Just for the Pros
Chris Tanner is an artist, musician, and inventor but also a patent attorney. Chris holds several copyrights himself as a composer, is a former Patent Examiner, holds seven patents himself as an inventor, and has been practicing in patent, trademark, and copyright law for 21 years. More information can be found at either or
To Fill Out Seats in a Popular Joint is Every Musician’s Dream
The life of a professional musician can be quite rewarding, but it isn’t an easy thing to do, especially at the beginning. Sure, the real talent is supposed to make a difference in the end, but the truth is not everybody can make it in this business.
Musicians take Note: “Google Forced a Change in Copyright Enforcement”
On Episode 233 of “Now Hear This Entertainment,” singer/songwriter Megan Davies (who has over a million subscribers on YouTube) said, "YouTube really doesn't pay a ton for musicians, I hate to break that to anyone." Patent /trademark/copyright attorney Chris Tanner took note and provides the following guest blog to help out performers with insights on YouTube content and
Your Actions Affect Others’ Reputations
In all my years running Now Hear This, managing, promoting, and booking clients, I have always heard continued cries of, “Let me know if you have anything for me.” I would always laugh because, I get it. I know that performers are always looking to be booked. I don’t have to be reminded and I know where to find you when I have something. Yet, it’s honestly something I never stop hearing.