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A Performance Rights Organization isn’t Just for the Pros

By: Chris Tanner

Chris Tanner is an artist, musician, and inventor but also a patent attorney. Chris holds several copyrights himself as a composer, is a former Patent Examiner, holds seven patents himself as an inventor, and has been practicing in patent, trademark, and copyright law for 21 years. More information can be found at either or

Musicians take Note: “Google Forced a Change in Copyright Enforcement”

By: Chris Tanner

YouTube logoOn Episode 233 of “Now Hear This Entertainment,” singer/songwriter Megan Davies (who has over a million subscribers on YouTube) said, "YouTube really doesn't pay a ton for musicians, I hate to break that to anyone." Patent /trademark/copyright attorney Chris Tanner took note and provides the following guest blog to help out performers with insights on YouTube content and

Your Actions Affect Others’ Reputations

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Frown and thumbs downIn all my years running Now Hear This, managing, promoting, and booking clients, I have always heard continued cries of, “Let me know if you have anything for me.”  I would always laugh because, I get it.  I know that performers are always looking to be booked.  I don’t have to be reminded and I know where to find you when I have something.  Yet, it’s honestly something I never stop hearing.

Meet (and Exceed) Their Expectations

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Guitar playerI belong to a church group that required a one-year period as a Novice in order to discern and prepare for a full commitment.  Six months ago I achieved permanent status and even received my official name badge to wear to the monthly Mass and associated lectures.  It dawned on me yesterday while I was in church, wearing that name badge proudly, that others likely see it and have a corresponding opinion of how its wearer shoul

Turnoffs for Speaking at a Meeting or Event

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Speaker presentingWhile yes, I’ve been an audience member recently, sitting and listening to presentations by a handful of speakers at a couple meetings and events, we’ve all sat in such conferences, workshops, and the like for various aspects of our career.  (Plus, I served on the Speaker Placement Committee for Tampa Bay Business Owners.)  On the flip side, I do a good deal of speakin

Like Aretha Franklin’s, Will YOUR Music Leave a Legacy?

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Time flies and soon legends are gone.  Last week the music world paused to mourn the passing of Aretha Franklin.  Her body of work made such an impact that she was known as the Queen of Soul.  Sadly, less than 72 hours ago my sister-in-law passed away unexpectedly, fueling – similarly – a social media outpouring of remembrances of her.  (Heck, it was only two weeks ago that I wrote in memoriam following the passing of CJ Watson, a blog that is already the most read on this site in 2018.)&nbsp