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Even an Interview Can Create Your Image

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Silhouette of interviewIt’s amazing.  The hockey and basketball playoffs are in full swing, yet the NFL pulled all the attention of the sports world in for three days at the end of last week.  Thursday, Friday, and Saturday they had the draft at a packed stadium in Dallas and in front of a worldwide viewing audience and not a single pass was thrown or point scored.

Is Anybody Listening?

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Listening through smartphoneFor those of you who do your own original music, I know you’ve had days – heck, maybe even weeks – where you’ve wondered, “Is anybody even listening to what I’m putting out?” (it’s okay to admit it).  Let’s be clear that by “anybody” I mean people who aren’t family or friends.  Those folks, after all, will be the ones who comment on your social media posts.  But beyond them, you want to know,

Even the Stars had to Knock on Doors

By: Tony Michaelides

For those who are toiling away wondering how you could ever hope to achieve stardom, given your current situation that you feel needs to drastically improve – and do so right away – take encouragement from this week’s guest blog.  You’ll see that the big stars didn’t start into music one day and wake up the next sitting on top of the charts and the entertainment world.  Tony Michaelides, the guest from Episode 129 of “Now Hear This Entertainment