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Strategy Talks livestream

July 30, 2024 -- Streamed live across numerous platforms, Now Hear This Inc. President Bruce Wawrzyniak was interviewed by Dorien Morin-van Dam about cross promotion within your own brand. Using this link, you can watch their conversation back on YouTube to hear the different tips, strategies, and tactics that he gave out over the course of the half-hour discussion.

The Business Storytellers Show

March 14, 2024 -- Now Hear This, Inc. President Bruce Wawrzyniak was the guest during an interview streamed live across numerous platforms, with host Christoph Trappe asking largely about promotional tactics for podcasters -- a topic that has been presented at numerous conferences in the industry. Use this link to watch their conversation back via YouTube.

Bold Journey feature

September 8, 2023 -- In a Q&A style format, Voyage published a feature on Now Hear This President Bruce Wawrzyniak as part of their Bold Journey series. They asked him questions like, "Where do you get your work ethic from," and "three qualities most important to develop," and "any advice for folks feeling overwhelmed?"  There are also a handful of photos of Bruce at the end of the text, which you can read online via this link.

Songwriter Connection Podcast

March 22, 2023 -- Having been recorded six weeks earlier, Now Hear This President Bruce Wawrzyniak is interviewed by host (and Nashville-based songwriter) Dave Lenahan -- a 40-plus-year veteran of broadcast radio -- on the "Songwriter Connection" podcast. This conversation covers a lot of observations as well as tips for listeners who are aspiring performers. The interview includes discussion about both Now Hear This, Inc. as well as the weekly "Now Hear This Entertainment" podcast.

Back2BasicsMode Live interview

February 6, 2023 -- In an interview that was done via both LinkedIn Live AND Clubhouse, Bruce Wawrzyniak was the guest on Back2BasicsMode with host Girish Bali. The 60-minute conversation focused on podcasting, drawing on the almost nine years that "Now Hear This Entertainment" has been getting published each week AND on the experience from Podfest Multimedia Expo, which had taken place in Orlando less than two weeks before this conversation.

Spark The Genius interview

January 28, 2023 -- On-location in Orlando, Florida, for Podfest Multimedia Expo (the ninth consecutive year of the in-person event), Bruce Wawrzyniak was interviewed for "Spark The Genius" about the weekly "Now Hear This Entertainment" podcast as well as a little bit about the speaking he does and the company itself (plus the second weekly podcast).  It's interesting to note here that the host had flown to Orlando overnight from the Sundance Film Festival just to be at