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‘Tis the Season to be Readin’

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Girl reading from smartphoneHow many times have you gone to eat somewhere and they tell you it will be a 20-minute wait for a table?  Or you arrive at the doctor’s office for an appointment, yet still end up sitting in the waiting room for 15 minutes before they take you back (to an exam room, where you wait for another ten minutes).  Perhaps you take your car in for an oil change and they tell you they can do it while you wai

Don’t Leave a Message After the Beep

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Emails sending into cyberspaceI thought that with all the texting going on these days that picking up the phone and calling someone had become a rare thing.  After all, did you ever notice how many – or, I should say, how few – people want to give out a phone number?  Maybe it’s because of all the darn robocalls, but still it seems like those digits are kept so close to the vest!  We all know the scene where you look at

Treat the End of the Year Like the Middle of the Year

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Working man inside gearThis is my first blog of December, which means that we’re into the final weeks of 2018.  You don’t even have to have partaken in Black Friday or Cyber Monday to know that a lot of people have immersed themselves in holiday shopping.  Plus, just drive around a little bit and see all the lights already up on houses to know that folks have the Christmas season in full swing.

With a Little Help from My Friends – For the California Wildfire Residents

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Clasped handsIf it seems like I place too much of an emphasis all the time (in this weekly blog or on episodes of “Now Hear This Entertainment”) on building and maintaining your contacts, then maybe you’re missing the point.  Or, I’m not doing a good enough job of a deep dive on these connections that I encourage you to foster.

Making Memories by Leaving it All on the Stage – Just Like Ed Sheeran

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Ed Sheeran last week in TampaWhat?  A concert review?  That’s never before been done as one of the weekly blogs that have run on this site for over four years now.  How does that help the readers who are aspiring performers?  And besides, who ever heard of running a concert review five days after the show took place?

Tribute Bands – Copyright/Trademark Infringement?

By: Chris Tanner

This week we again hear from Chris Tanner, who is an artist, musician, and inventor but is also a patent attorney. He holds several copyrights himself as a composer, is a former Patent Examiner, holds seven patents himself as an inventor, and has been practicing in patent, trademark, and copyright law for 21 years. More information can be found at either or