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What I’ve Learned in 5 Years of Podcasting

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

BRW recording a podcastYesterday marked a very significant occasion for me.  February 17, 2019, marked the five-year anniversary of the “Now Hear This Entertainment” podcast.  I’m proud to say that since its launch in 2014 a new episode has been delivered on-time, every week.  Presently there are 262 episodes and the show has gotten listeners from 141 countries around the wo

At Least They’re Talking About Me? Baloney!

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Grammys logoAs much as I pride myself on not playing follow the leader and just falling in line doing what everyone else is doing, I have to speak up on this one.  Meaning, yes, this is going to be a day-after-the-Grammys blog, as I’m sure so many (many) others are doing today.

Actually, I should clarify.  The Grammys themselves?  Another classy event.  Top notch all the way, of course.

Top 10 Guest Blogs of 2018

By: Various

Top 10 ribbonIt’s refreshing to get contributions from guest bloggers who are kind enough to share their experience and their expertise with readers here so as to provide insights that will shed more light on various aspects of the entertainment business.  There will certainly be more of such in 2019.

Taylor Swift, Tattoos, Disney, and Trademarks

By: Chris Tanner

This week’s blog is another guest entry from Chris Tanner, an artist, musician, inventor, and patent attorney. He holds several copyrights himself as a composer, is a former Patent Examiner, holds seven patents himself as an inventor, and has been practicing in patent, trademark, and copyright law for 21 years. More information can be found at either or

The Gifts I Already Have

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Gifts spelling ThanksOnce a year (sadly) people stop to think about what they’re thankful for.  Here in the U.S. that was late last month.  And now the Christmas holiday is upon us and it becomes all about the gifts.

But as I sit here writing this on Christmas Eve, I’m inclined to combine the two and express my gratitude this morning, even before I’ve opened a single present.