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Mixing Music and Military

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Whitney Doucet at Patriots gameYesterday on the FOX NFL pregame show, Jon Bon Jovi talked about a song he has written called, “Unbroken,” for a documentary on Netflix.  The interview began with him talking about how both of his parents were Marines (that that’s how they met).

How NOT to Get an Interview Booking

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Sitting frustrated at laptopI’m often heard quoting movie lines and today I can’t help but think of Vince Vaughn’s character in the movie, “Wedding Crashers” when he delivers the line, “A friend in need is a pest.”

You have music you want played or a book you want reviewed or promoted, and you’re looking for anywhere and everywhere to get some publicity.

Celebrating International Podcast Day

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Bruce at microphone with headphonesToday is International Podcast Day and the occasion has grown as quickly and largely as the medium itself has.  The creators of International Podcast Day actually coordinate live broadcasts that begin on what is September 29th in the U.S. since time zones make it the 30th in other countries where they’re marking the occasion (since it is international, after all).