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Live Streaming to Your Fans (and Not to Strangers’ Wallets)

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Livestreaming to Your FansIt’s a sobering thought.  This year has forced performers to put on live shows from home, streaming through Facebook or Instagram or YouTube or some other platform.  All with the hope of viewers tipping them electronically or streaming their music – or both.

The problem is that neither of those have a high percentage of likelihood.

Hey Google – Where is My Music (or Podcast)?

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

YouTube Music logoLast night I was watching television.  I have a Google Home Mini sitting right next to the TV.  So, when a commercial came on in which someone said, “Hey Google,” and then gave it a command to start playing certain music, yup, you guessed it, my smart speaker started playing exactly what the person in the ad asked for.  As Homer Simpson would say, “D’oh!”

Influence or Be Influenced?

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Influence or Be Influenced | Reinhart Julian photoNo matter what level of your artist career you’re at, undoubtedly you’ve had thoughts that companies should be giving you product and/or money to endorse them and what they sell.  You probably even have some ideas of which companies you’d like to rep. 

Get Back in Front with a Re-Release

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Ana Cristina CashUsually when I’m asked to cite one of the best pieces of advice I’ve gotten or lessons learned in business, I’ll point to someone I used to work for who lived out combating “out of sight, out of mind.”  He would travel halfway around the world, sit in a meeting for three hours, and then fly all the way back.  “If you’re not there, they forget about you,” he would tell us in staff meetings, reporting on his latest trip.