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Get Back in Front with a Re-Release

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Ana Cristina CashUsually when I’m asked to cite one of the best pieces of advice I’ve gotten or lessons learned in business, I’ll point to someone I used to work for who lived out combating “out of sight, out of mind.”  He would travel halfway around the world, sit in a meeting for three hours, and then fly all the way back.  “If you’re not there, they forget about you,” he would tell us in staff meetings, reporting on his latest trip.

Facebook Horrors and Twitter Absences

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Male in the dark typing into laptopSeven weeks ago, vocalist, actor, songwriter, and producer Terry Barber wrote a guest blog (published here) that talked mainly about how his official music page on Facebook had been hacked.  While you should go read the whole post that he contributed, the bottom line is that now we’re sitting here at the end of September and he still hasn’t gotten it back.