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8 Ways Indie Artists Can Track Their Single’s Success

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

8 Ways Indie Artists Can Track Their Single's SuccessCongratulations, indie recording artist.  Your new song is out in the world and people can now hear what you have created.  All the time you spent writing, recording, maybe re-writing and/or re-recording, and then getting it mixed, mastered, and distributed was worth it.  It’s okay to take a step back and admire your work. 

Putting Value on the Various Facets of Your Indie Career

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Putting Value on the Various Facets of Your Indie CareerIn the music business there is an ongoing struggle to get fans to purchase downloads, if not CDs (remember those things?), instead of just streaming songs on platforms that pay only a fraction of a penny to the artist each time a listener clicks Play.  This is nothing new and it’s a battle that indie artists fight constantly.

Entertainers Still Facing Challenges Off the Mic

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Entertainers Still Facing Challenges Off the MicLast night I returned home from Nashville where never more was it so evident that we all need to embrace the message that we seem to have been given over the last year-and-a-half.  You’ve heard the expression before about ‘meeting people where they are.’  While I’m a real networker, it doesn’t necessarily have to be taken in its literal sense, meaning, traveling to wherever someone is.  However, if the pandemic has taught us nothing else, it’s that life is precious, and you don’t know what someone is going through.  So always lead with kindness (which, sadly, we shouldn’t have had to endure these trying times to learn).

3 Real Pitch Emails I Received That Will Result in a ‘No’

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

3 Real Pitch Emails I Received That Will Result in a NoSo many people want to get interviewed today.  People have a business, a product, or a service that they want to get the word out about, and they know that being a guest on a TV show, a radio show, a podcast, and other media is a great method for promoting.  They are singers and musicians, actors, entrepreneurs, authors, inventors, comedians, spokespeople/experts, podcasters, and more.  But too many of them are going about it the wrong way and, as a result, are wasting a lot of valuable time.