Putting a Priority on Getting Better
As the world has opened back up, in-person events are back in full swing although there are still some great offerings being made available online. The fact remains that professional development has to continue to be offered whether that’s face-to-face or via video conferencing or a hybrid model that combines the two. There’s no shortage of continuing education if you look for it.
Turning People OFF From Doing Business with You
Let’s start this off by looking at the definition of guerilla marketing. Its meaning is said to be, “innovative, unconventional, and low-cost marketing techniques aimed at obtaining maximum exposure for a product.” In looking online for descriptions of it, I also saw the word ‘surprise’ used, as well as “advertisement strategy” and “a type of publicity.”
Rogan’s Spotify Mess has Lesson for Indie Musicians
Back when Spotify announced that they were bringing Joe Rogan exclusively to their platform, it was a celebratory moment for the parties involved. But fast forward to the recent events between the two and the honeymoon clearly is over.
7 Reasons Why not Answering Someone is Bad
It’s ironic that just five weeks after writing a blog cautioning readers to be careful with issuing No as their response I end up with this week’s topic. Of course, like so much else that I post here every Monday, it’s because of something that I have experienced firsthand recently.
Turn a Cancelation Into Opportunity
I recently found myself telling a prospective client a story from one of the many times I brought a singer, songwriter, guitar player from the Now Hear This roster to Nashville. This would turn out to be an encounter with the dreaded double-booking.
It’s the First Day of Your Year-Long Success Story
We’re at that weird point on the calendar. The holidays are over, yet not far enough along to where it’s not tempting to still try to hang onto the last little bit of feeling you can from Christmas, New Year’s, and just the season in general.
Top Ten Guest Blogs of 2021
Having posted here on this site last week the top ten most read blogs of 2021 that were written by yours truly, it’s fitting that this time around a recap is done of those from last year that were written by others. Check in every Monday throughout the year for blog posts from me or someone else
Top Ten Most Read Blogs of 2021
Amidst my landslide of Happy New Year text messages exchanged two days ago with countless folks in the Contacts in my phone, a couple of those acknowledged how strange it is to be writing ‘2022.’ I must say that it feels a little odd to compile for you the top ten most read blogs of 2021 because it’s like trying on a shirt you got for Christmas and not being entirely sure that it fits exactly right.
Be Careful with Your ‘No’
While singers, dancers, actors, and others in entertainment unfortunately get used to hearing the word ‘No,’ there are actually instances where those same people might be the ones issuing the rejection. Regardless of who it is, however, it’s important to be careful with your No.
Christmas is Coming, So Get Back to Work
It’s less than a week until Christmas now, and at this point there are plenty of people either ready to put it on cruise control or they already have. In other words, regardless of whether they’re in a cold climate or not, they’re ready to go into hibernation, so to speak, as it relates to putting a priority on rest and relaxation as opposed to keeping things going in their professional lives.