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Build Your Network with Supporters

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Creators – whether music, podcasts, or otherwise – already know how challenging their business is in the first place.  You don’t want to make the hill even steeper to climb by surrounding yourself with people who are going to get in your way of reaching the top.

The other day I saw a social media post from someone who runs a well-known business that’s a service provider to the podcasting industry.  I was shocked to read that he gets emails on a regular basis that none of us want to get even once.

Use All Your Resources and Contacts to Find Gigs

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Approximately ten days ago when I did my “Promoting Your Music Career” seminar at the 2nd Lake Martin Songwriters Festival, I got to a point where I was specifying some resources that the attendees could use to try to get more bookings.

While I cited eight different websites, the truth is that there are certainly lots and lots more.  BUT, you don’t just get more gigs from online destinations that you check periodically.

7 Best Sites to Submit Music to Radio Stations

By: Amit Sher

Getting your music played on the radio is a big achievement for many independent artists. Online and FM/AM radio stations are a big promotion win for emerging artists wanting to promote their music and get their music heard.

Submitting independent music to radio stations will help new artists on the block reach new audiences, both locally and worldwide. New and emerging artists who are trying to make it in the music industry should most definitely submit their new music to radio stations to gain more exposure.

New Teddi Gold Track Checks Lots of Boxes

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Today I’m on a plane from the west coast heading back home after having been a speaker at the 18th San Francisco Writers Conference & Writing for Hollywood Summit.  At one point I was encouraging the attendees to write what they know, meaning, something that they’re passionate about.  The comparison I made was to something that guests have mentioned on my weekly “Now Hear This Entertainment” podcast, which is, to not “write for the radio.”  Meaning, don’t just do what you think radio wants.

Celebrating Streaming Royalties Increase on This 4th of July

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Here in the U.S. the banks are closed today as is the post office.  Employees at lots of businesses, in fact, get the day off as Americans celebrate the Independence Day holiday.  And since it falls on a Monday this year it means that many folks – as evidenced by all the “prepare yourselves, travelers” stories last week – got a head start when the workday ended last Thursday.

8 Sites to Submit Your Music to Spotify Playlists (Some Free!)

By: Amit Sher

Any music artist will tell you that placing your music on Spotify Playlists can do wonders for your musical career and music exposure. Submitting your songs onto Spotify playlists is imperative for every music artist who wants to get their music exposed.

Even though a lot of the larger playlists on Spotify are controlled and managed by Spotify, there are still plenty of opportunities for indie artists to be featured on curators' playlists, which host thousands of followers.

Keep Creating and Don’t Dwell on the Negative

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Two nights ago, I sat and barely watched, hanging my head as my beloved Tampa Bay Lightning got crushed by the Colorado Avalanche in Game 2 of the Stanley Cup Finals.  If it was that painful for me as a fan, I can imagine what it was like being on the bench and in the locker room.

While there’s still quite an uphill battle ahead, the good news is, the two teams play again tonight and so – unlike football where you have a week in between games to have your most recent defeat hanging over you – the loss from Saturday night can be put in the past.

You Have to Spend Money to Make Money. Really.

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

If you’re seeing that headline and already being turned off, let me reference a Billy Crystal/Meg Ryan exchange from the movie “When Harry Met Sally.”  After telling her “Somewhere between thirty seconds and all night, that’s your problem,” he hears her shoot back, “I don’t have a problem.”  And he confidently replies, “Yeah you do.”