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What’s Next? Keep Creating Content on a Regular Basis

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Sometimes on my weekly “Now Hear This Entertainment” podcast I’m heard talking to a guest who just released new music, yet I somewhat apologetically ask, “So, what’s next?”

It’s a combination of the “what have you done for me lately” mentality as well as where expectations have risen to in these content crazy times we’re in where people just assume that creators are working in their craft nonstop.

Know Who You Are Contacting

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

I realize that people could argue they don’t have the time to find out the name of an email recipient and thus are just going to blast out to some list instead, but let me tell you firsthand what a difference it makes when someone starts a message off by writing my name instead of just Dear Now Hear This (or “Hey team,” which is annoying).

Use Analytics, Know Your Audience, Talk with Them

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

I’m in Las Vegas right now at the NAB Show. I also am already registered to attend Social Media Marketing World next March in San Diego.  I’ve written blogs on here before about the importance of professional development, so it’s important that I practice what I preach.

That being said, I was already planning to write about social media posting today, but a session I attended here yesterday reinforced it for me.

Report on Your Live Performances Accurately, Every Time

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Last year around this time I posted a blog about not exaggerating when it comes to the size of your business, your company.  If you’re a solopreneur, I wrote, just admit and be proud of that.  But I’ve witnessed enough in the almost twelve months since then that I need to provide a sequel to that post.  The behaviors that I need to discourage this time around can only help you avoid someone coming away disappointed from what they expected.

Copyrighting is Serious Business

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

It’s ironic that what I’m writing about this week is flaring up right as I’m in the middle of working with a recording artist client on getting some of her original music copyrighted.  I guess if nothing else it symbolizes how important it is in the music business to get that task taken care of.