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Tips and Tricks to Give Yourself a Better Chance at Success

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Old habits die hard.  I know.  But even if the new year angle is slipping away from you, try new month instead or just flat out hit the reset button regardless of the calendar and make a commitment.

I once heard it said that it takes two weeks for something to become a habit.  If you’re struggling with the same challenges from January and from 2022, make this be the day you decide that you’re just not going to tolerate the same results (or the lack thereof) anymore.

Easier said than done?  Not really.

Create the Content You Are Intended to Make

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

I know that I make pretty regular references to my weekly “Now Hear This Entertainment” podcast in this blog.  After all, there’s a lot of synergy between that show and what you read here each week, so those links that I provide are because they’re relevant.  It also behooves me to add that both listening to that and reading here can provide valuable teaching moments for you, so each is a good resource for your career as a music maker, podcaster, filmmaker, author, or whatever facet of the arts and entertainment world you’re in.

Tech Skills You Should Know To Succeed in Music

By: Ashley Jade Walton

To be successful in the music industry today you need to be open to professional development, especially if you are an indie artist starting out. As our post ‘Indie Musicians: Admit and Then Get the Help You Need’ discussed, it is crucial to ask for help when you encounter challenges or setbacks in your career. It is also likewise important to adapt to the changing demands of the industry.

Most Read Guest Blogs of 2022

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

It was nice to see such a good response to last week’s “Top Ten Most Read Blogs of 2022,” although I’m not surprised that there was that much interest.  That post enabled readers to catch up on what they might’ve missed last year – and which blogs were the most popular over that twelve-month period.

But to be clear, that list was derived solely from the blogs that were authored by yours truly.  So, this week it’s time for the annual look back at the past year’s guest posts.

Top Ten Most Read Blogs of 2022

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Ya’ know that old expression about how you just can’t look away from car crashes?  I feel as though Top 10 lists are the same way, don’t you?  There are so many wrecks out on the road that there are lots (and lots) of YouTube videos (and channels) devoted to footage of car crashes.  And there are – especially at this time of year – endless blogs and articles listing the top ten of something.  Yet we keep coming back for them.

Some Possible Upsides to Pay-for-Play

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Just seeing that headline you are well within your rights to already have a chip on your shoulder going into reading this.  I would be too if I saw it being written by someone other than me.  And I want to make clear that despite what you’re about to read, I am still very much opposed to the concept of pay-for-play, regardless of the form or function that it takes on.  Let me re-state that so that I’m not besieged with emails or Instagram DMs or private messages through Facebook.

No More Excuses, Get After Your Dream

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Two nights ago, I was out at a place that had live music.  The performer said from the stage that it was only their second time performing since things opened back up and the first time being back (playing) inside somewhere that people weren’t wearing masks.

Huh?  Clearly, they were referring to the end of the pandemic.  Now, before I go on, let me throw out all the disclaimers, just to cover myself.

Ignore the Calendar and Stay Open for Business and Bookings

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Not too far from my house there’s a sports bar that has been open for something like a year or two now.  Yet, they still have a NOW OPEN sign out by the road.  I mostly scratch my head about it, although I do understand the possible strategy they’re trying to employ.  Regardless of if you’re familiar with them or not, it does get your attention, after all, doesn’t it?