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Your First Email Might Not Get You the Job – But the Follow-Up Might!

Bruce Wawrzyniak

Your First Email Might Not Get You the JobIt has come to my attention that there’s a whole generation barely even using email.  There’s probably a debate that consists of them calling me old and me (arguing that and) saying that they’re missing out.  But regardless of your age, if you think you’re missing out on opportunities, it might simply be because (gasp) you did send one email and then gave up, moved on, when you didn’t hear anything back.

Don’t Exaggerate: Take (Sole) Ownership of Your Indie Career

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Take Sole Ownership of Your Indie CareerI was surprised when speaking to a colleague recently and heard a reaction of unfamiliarity when I used the term “solopreneur” and he later asked me, “What was the word you used again?”

There are probably more people than you realize who are running their own business these days.  Even if they have a full-time job but are also running a side hustle that could almost make an argument for being full-time, the latter is likely their own business too, so to speak.

Don’t Wait – Properly Say Thank You, Now

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Don't Wait Properly Say Thank You NowFor those that perform music who are fortunate to be getting bookings and stepping back on-stage again, there’s another opportunity not to be overlooked.

After all those months of sitting at home waiting and wondering when the pandemic would end and “settling” for only being able to perform online, you’re starting to put some dates on your calendar.  I know, finally!

Your Music is Original, But Are You?

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Your Music is Original But Are You | BlogYesterday on the official Instagram account for my weekly “Now Hear This Entertainment” podcast I posted a quote from a past episode.  It was said by nationally known comedian Jim Florentine, who also happens to have his own podcast, which I listen to fairly regularly.  Admittedly, this week’s blog might be influenced to some extent by him and the fact that he is always referring to people who act like sheep, meaning, just following the pack.