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Don’t Put All Your Eggs in THEIR Basket

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

AubrynA week ago yesterday I came back from Los Angeles where I was a speaker at the Outlier Podcast Festival.  Over the course of the event one of the speakers was talking about controlling your RSS feed.  He was essentially saying that as long as you have your podcast on your website, even if it got taken down from other platforms and/or your (podcasting) hosting service went out

5 Ways to Measure How You Stack Up Against the Others

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Three trophies on podiumOne of the many terrific scenes in the 1980 movie “Caddyshack” is when Judge Smails (Ted Knight’s character) asks Ty Webb (Chevy Chase’s character) how he shot in his round of golf that day.  When Webb replies, “Oh I don’t keep score, Judge,” the immediate follow-up that he gets asked is, “Then, how do you measure yourself against the other golfers?”  With his dry wit, Webb comes back with, “By height.”

9 Ways to Gain Your Audience

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Diamond Dixie on stage at Hard RockIf you can get people to come see you perform live, that’s only half the battle.  Now that you’ve gotten them there, you need to give them a performance that they’ll not only remember and tell others about, but, want to come back and see you again as a result.

Your Songs Should be Original – And So Should You

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Original brandedAs a songwriter you work so hard trying to come up with original ideas for songs.  You sit in songwriting sessions for hours, for days, trying to come up with a hook that will make yours the next big song that hits radio.  You wake up in the middle of the night to jot down something that somehow crept into your mind.  You don’t want to forget it when you wake up because it’s going to be great for that next song you’