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A Songwriters Festival No-No

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Know The Rules written on blackboardI always enjoy going to songwriters festivals for a number of reasons.  It’s great to get out and see familiar faces, including those that I can’t see regularly due to the various locales that the participants travel from.  I also enjoy going from venue to venue to see and hear the performances day in and day out during the event.  And, among other aspects, there obviously is t

The Key Choice is Key!

By: Vincent Bishop

After last week’s “Why Music Matters” blog, it’s fitting to have the following guest blog.  After all, writing a song that might impact someone is one thing, but the proper construction of such is another.  So, below is some insight from Vincent Bishop, a singer, songwriter, guitar player based in eastern Canada, currently getting ready to record his second album.

Passing on Pay-to-Play

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Handing credit cardRecently I submitted a client’s music to a number of online destinations that stream original songs from indie musicians.  It’s nice that there are so many out there that basically operate from the “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” perspective.  In other words, “Hey indie artists, you have songs that you want aired and we need songs to play.”  It’s a nice, simple exchange.  Many of them even take t

See and Be Seen

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Shaking hands silhouetteI just got back from California.  While I was out there I saw someone do a presentation where he strongly (strongly) encouraged the session’s attendees to, when at all possible, get out and meet people in person.  It doesn’t matter what his presentation topic was because this message applies across a number of situations.  And I couldn’t agree with him more.

Cancer Can’t Stop This Violin

By: Cosi Belloso

This blog aims to educate each week, but sometimes there needs to be first-hand accounts of overcoming odds to remind readers to believe in themselves.  Similarly, Episode 174 of “Now Hear This Entertainment” featured an inspirational story of hope for the downtrodden from bass player Marc Ensign.  This week’s guest blog offers a similar story of perseverance, albeit in the form of courage and overcoming a far di