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When a Performer Should Fire a Venue

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

You're firedAs an aspiring performer, you're constantly looking for your next gig.  It's great to have a place or two (or three) where you perform regularly.  Maybe the venue has you play there once a week, once a month, or somewhere in between.  Even still, you're always looking for other "one-off" gigs, as some people like to say.  As someone who's always thinking from a promotional perspective, I prefer "one night only."

NAMM Show had Opportunities for All

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

NAMM show logoThe Winter 2017 NAMM show ended yesterday here in Anaheim, California.  For four days, thousands packed the Anaheim Convention Center to talk, view, and demonstrate audio technology.  The attendees ranged from beginners to intermediate to pros.  The latter included the likes of Stevie Wonder, John Mayer, Billy Bob Thornton, and even Johnny Depp, among others.

It’s Audition Time – Let’s Hear ALL About It

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Americas Got Talent logoTwo days ago the auditions began for the next season of “America’s Got Talent.”  It’s a big deal.  They have a whole website set up just for this phase of identifying potential participants for the show.  There are ten cities on the list where they will watch people show them their routine or sing or dance or whatever their act is.  The website even has a section for video

Facebook Tag, You’re ‘It’ (Unfortunately)

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Facebook no noI once gave out a tip on an episode of “Now Hear This Entertainment” where I said that, “If there’s something you feel really strongly about, post it as a status on your (Facebook) page, not overly wordy, either, and consider even tagging people in your post, those that you know will attend and also be an ambassador for you.  So, ‘We’re playing at x and are excited to see a lot of yo

Christmas or Non-Seasonal, Dreams do Come True

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Mike Delguidice on stage with Billy JoelYesterday morning many children woke up to presents that, when unwrapped, sent them soaring on the proverbial “cloud nine.”  Perhaps one gift in particular was THE item on their Christmas list that was, for them, the crown jewel.  And on that note, some girls might have received an engagement ring from their Prince Charming, feeling like a Disney princess, that their wish had come true via