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Show Me the Money

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Money bagMany (many) years ago my brother made a joke.  “What talks but can’t sing and dance and doesn’t walk?”  He was referring to money in the context of the lyrics to “Forever in Blue Jeans” by Neil Diamond.

Open for Business

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Business cardLast week I wrote a blog about handing out postcards or brochures or flyers when in a networking environment instead of business cards.  In there was a ‘note to self’ about writing at some point about people who tell you they don’t have a business card.

Well, “at some point” is now, because I just witnessed it again over the weekend.

Of All Shapes and Sizes

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Postcards brochures flyersThis past Friday I went to a major business symposium.  One portion of it featured a massive speed networking that guaranteed that each participant would meet at least 20 people.

This is where you not only hear everyone’s elevator pitch, but, obviously, get their business card.

Fashion Faux Pas

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Fashion policeI was at a big event recently where I finally had the opportunity to meet in person with someone who I previously had only talked to via email and phone.  I’m tempted to put her in the category of an up-and-comer, but, with all she has going on, one might argue that she has (already) arrived.

It was an outdoor event, with not the best of weather conditions – windy and cool, instead of sunny and warm.

Privacy Please

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Phone privacyIt’s ironic that in a society that is trying to be more green by using less paper, more and more companies want to give you their long, drawn out privacy policy.  Even crazier is that they’ll then waste more paper by giving you a form to sign that says that they gave you their privacy policy!

The Show Must Go On

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Show Must Go OnMy fiancée has the day off from work today and I’ve got a doctor’s appointment this morning.  That sounds like a scene ripe for blowing off work.  It sets up as an ideal setting for skipping writing a blog, right?  But then the streak (consecutive Mondays writing a new blog) would end at 56.  So instead, number 57 is going to talk about cancellations.

Just Walk Away

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Walking signThere are a lot of one-liners out there about “just put the (insert noun here) down and back away.”  A spinoff of that could easily be applied to things you might be trying – repeatedly – in your music pursuits.

And my hope is that this is the push that you need to finally take that step.

Songwriters Festival Leftovers

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

PBSF 2015 logoI really enjoy going to Christian concerts, but I always refer to a ‘spiritual hangover’ that you wake up with the next day.  You’re so charged up and filled with the messages from the night before that you pine away for something to be able to go out and do in order to spread the Good News.  It takes some coming down from the mountain top to focus with a clear head on what truly can be done, realistically speaking.