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Just Walk Away

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Walking signThere are a lot of one-liners out there about “just put the (insert noun here) down and back away.”  A spinoff of that could easily be applied to things you might be trying – repeatedly – in your music pursuits.

And my hope is that this is the push that you need to finally take that step.

Songwriters Festival Leftovers

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

PBSF 2015 logoI really enjoy going to Christian concerts, but I always refer to a ‘spiritual hangover’ that you wake up with the next day.  You’re so charged up and filled with the messages from the night before that you pine away for something to be able to go out and do in order to spread the Good News.  It takes some coming down from the mountain top to focus with a clear head on what truly can be done, realistically speaking.

Difference Maker

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Decision makerTomorrow night I’m speaking to a college class.  I know I will make a point that I always seem to bring out when I’m in such an environment.  I tell students that they should try to do something along the lines of having a certain skill (or two) that will make them stand out to a potential employer upon graduation.  The example I usually use is learning a second language, although in the entertainment business it could be som

Party Crashers

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Party CrasherI received an email from a regular reader of these weekly blogs.  She is a singer/songwriter who plays live shows, of course, and was both giving her viewpoint as well as asking mine, on something that has become all too common, unfortunately.

Please Stop That

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Stop signOne of many funny scenes in the original “Arthur” movie is when Hobson (played by the late John Gielgud) comes into the bedroom in the morning and, seeing Arthur in bed with a girl from the night before, says, “Pleeease stop that.”

Since two weeks from today is my birthday, I want to publish this wish list, which focuses on expressions I want people to stop using.

A Long, Long Way to Go

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Long Long Way to Go blogIt’s Labor Day, but there’s still a lot of work to be done.

That became painfully obvious three nights ago when I went to see someone perform at a pretty well-known spot for live music here in the area.

The Position of Your Hand

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

CollaborationDid you ever notice your hand starting to form into a fist without your knowing it?  It’s usually when someone is telling you something upsetting.  Pay attention and look for that clue because it could serve as a warning that you need to keep your temper from flaring.