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No App for Fixing Stagefright

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Stage frightThere is panic everywhere by not only computer users but even all of us who interact daily with a smartphone or tablet.  Something malicious called Stagefright is a threat to all of these devices.  Warnings are being issued.  No platform seems to be exempt.

Home, Road, or Both?

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Home Road or Both blogHere in Tampa Bay the sports media were bringing statistics to the forefront about how the Lightning were the best home team in the National Hockey League during the recently concluded regular season.  And they further pointed out the irony in the playoffs that the team was suddenly much more successful on the road than in the friendly confines of Amalie Arena.

Know No Limits

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

No limitsHere on our website the Contact page says that we’re based in the Tampa, Florida, area but that we know no borders when it comes to serving clients.  There’s also a statement about public relations being a 24-hour-a-day business.

While musicians certainly consider late(!) nights as “regular business hours,” it concerns me that not enough of them are willing to work all hours.

The Numbers Games

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Twitter logoSo you’ve decided to play the game.  You’ve drank the Kool Aid and bought into the idea of doing the highly (highly) frowned upon practice of Follow/Unfollow on Twitter.  You’re taking no prisoners – you just want to get your numbers up.

Celebrating Music

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Make Music Day 2015The lion’s share of the attention yesterday surely went to dads everywhere since it was Father’s Day.  While that’s certainly justified and due, it’s just a shame that yesterday’s other occasion had to play second fiddle (pun intended).

National Music Day or Make Music Day or whatever you chose to call it was yesterday too.

Honor Your Commitments

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Shaking handsYesterday I was told of someone who got stood up for lunch by the same person twice.  No one likes that feeling at all.  I was recently left sitting across from the invisible man for a one-on-one that the scheduled participant didn’t bother to call me with an excuse for.  (She finally explained herself four days later, and even then only because we were both at a bigger event.)  Heck, I can remember being

The Devil is in the Details

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Devil in the DetailsAs an up-and-coming musician, singer, songwriter, or entertainer of any kind, don’t you want to stand out for all the right reasons?  I always tell college students that when they’re applying for a job, if a potential employer is holding their résumé side by side with another that they feel is comparable, one little extra – like design skills or a second language – could set them apart.