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By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Christmas tree of lightsYes, it’s Christmas, but it’s also Monday, so, another new blog it is.  You see, last month here in the U.S. we celebrated Thanksgiving, but we truly should give thanks every day.  Whether it’s the fourth Thursday in November or December 25th, or, heck, May 13th, there shouldn’t be a need to designate one day for giving thanks.

I opted to write a new blog on Christmas Day (yes, I’m really writing this today, I didn’t write it several days ago and put a “do not publish until December 25th tag on it) because one of the many things I’m thankful for is that I have readers who come back week in and week out to see what gets published in this space every Monday.  So I chose to repay that loyalty by delivering something today, regardless of what the calendar says.  After all these blogs get published on a website, which means that there is a back end to go into and see page views.  So I know that you keep reading what’s here and I want to keep giving.  After all, isn’t that the spirit of the holiday season, giving (not receiving)?

I urge you to take the same posture today.  Whether you receive one or five or 25 gifts, someone thought of you and spent their money on you.  Don’t overanalyze the amount they did or didn’t spend.  It’s never a bad thing when you lead with gratitude.

I am also grateful for everyone who listens to “Now Hear This Entertainment” week in and week out.  But as you hear me say when I’m being interviewed, instead of being the one asking the questions, I do the show to give.  I’m human, so, of course, I love receiving the iTunes reviews, the emails, the Facebook and Instagram comments, Patreon contributions, and other feedback, but solely because it lets me know you’re out there and that you want to have your thoughts heard.  You want to be an active listener.  But I always say that NHTE is intended, yes, to entertain (fans of that guest and/or fans of good music interviews in general), but also to educate because I want to give (there’s that word again) help to listeners who are up-and-comers that have their hand out simply in the sense of the looking-for-advice-and-knowledge manner.

Coming back from Orlando two nights ago our vehicle broke down on I-4 late at night and now it sits over at the shop waiting for business to resume tomorrow morning so the problem can be diagnosed.  But still I sit here being thankful.  After all, there’s another vehicle in the garage.  So, why look at the glass as half empty?

I’m thankful to TASCAM.  Christmas came early, in my opinion, as they filled up what is now my home studio with all the gear (and then some) that I’m using to record, edit, and produce “Now Hear This Entertainment” each week, including remote, on-location interviews.  Plus, they’ve even entrusted me with their own “TASCAM Talkback” podcast.

I’m thankful for the clients who have hired Now Hear This to work for and with them.  People like to complain a lot about their jobs.  I choose to be grateful.

I don’t have my holidays confused.  It’s Christmas Day and I’m very thankful, yet I wrote this entire blog without even mentioning a single gift that I opened today.  Enjoy yours.  And know that I’ll keep delivering to you, even if a blog or a podcast or an eBook can’t be wrapped and put under a tree.  I’m thankful for you.  Merry Christmas.

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