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By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Congrats NHTE 200 on law firm signMaybe it’s because I’m a glass-half-full guy.  It could also be due to my having been in this business for so many years now.  Or, it’s just flat out common sense.

I know there is a lot of frustration in the music business, notably for the up-and-comers.  Trust me, I have seen your challenges first-hand in the clients that I work with.  (That’s a large part of why I publish this blog every week and do the interviews you hear on “Now Hear This Entertainment.”)  It is a business filled with the word ‘No.’


You can’t even get to that ‘No’ if you don’t ask first!  I am amazed at the people who I hear moaning about what opportunities they see other people getting.  They wonder why they can’t get these chances themselves.  And when they come up for air a simple question is asked that stops them in their tracks.  “Did you ask for the business?”  Either the look on their face says it all or they’ll answer with a “No, but…”

Naturally, having worked in the NHL for ten seasons, I’m a big hockey fan.  Granted, it is true that shots on goal don’t necessarily mean a thing (a team can win a game 3-1 despite being outshot 32-22).  However, I love when teams wonder what they can do to snap a skid of scoring very few goals and the coach will simply say, “We need to shoot the puck more.”

A couple weeks ago I was in Nashville and met with person after person after person.  How did I get to meet with so many people in Music City?  Okay, yes, I have built up a significant number of contacts there, but, I could have all kinds of names, numbers, and email addresses but be too afraid of a ‘No.’  Instead, I asked!

Back when “Now Hear This Entertainment” hit its milestone 200th episode, despite my never having done any business with them, a law firm with a very prominent sign at a real busy intersection here in the greater Tampa Bay area put up a congratulatory message (see accompanying photo).  Do you know how I got them to do that for me?  I asked!  And do you know why I did?  Yes, it was because I wanted to call attention to this accomplishment, but it was also because if I didn’t, who else would ask on my behalf?!

Now (full disclosure), you, of course, need to have a plan.  You don’t contact a company and say that you want an endorsement and then when they ask why say, “Because I’m a musician.”  They expect that, so you need to be ready to answer with how you can help them (yes, you read that right – not how they can help you).

It does start to get into sales and certainly building relationships is a part of all this.  However, if you take a step back and think about the times you feel you should’ve gotten something but didn’t, consider if you asked for what you wanted.  Remember that the worst that can happen is you get a ‘No’ response.  But, the next time you surf social media and see someone posting about an opportunity they’ve gotten, instead of being jealous and having a negative reaction to it, realize that there was an ask involved and let that motivate you to move closer to where you want to be.  You just might be surprised at the answer!

When were you pleasantly surprised at the response you got to something you asked for?  What technique has worked good for you in asking for the sale?  Talk about this in our Facebook Group!