What’s Your Inspiration?
“You’re the meaning in my life. You’re the inspiration.”
Lyrics from a popular Chicago song in 1984. It’s pretty clear that someone was the songwriter’s inspiration.
As I sit here and write this week’s blog, I see my guitar sitting nearby on its stand, just begging me to get inspired to pick up and play it. What’s it going to take?
Why It’s Worth Doing
As I was listening to the first draft of the podcast episode this week, I had a moment. It wasn’t so much one specific thing that singer/songwriter Sena Ehrhardt said, so much as it was the insights she gave and the success she’s having.
Dare I say, Episode 61 is the model of what I strive for “Now Hear This Entertainment” to be.
Do You Have Staying Power?
As baseball spring training winds down, the use of the phrase “staying power” is only getting started. Analysts wonder how long into a game a starting pitcher can last. They speculate on whether he has what it takes to throw complete games and be a consistent performer over a full season.
Can You Hear Me Now?
I joked over the weekend that someone who is a “low talker” should text or email me in all CAPS so I can hear them. It’s commonly known that doing such implies that you’re shouting.
I feel like this week’s blog should be in all CAPS so that people will hear me – this time.
Just Be Consistent
Just Be Consistent
Just Be Consistent
Just Be Consistent
15 Minutes of Fame
Everyone has heard the expression “15 minutes of fame.” It’s what you do with it afterwards, I feel, that’s just as, if not more, important.
As a glass half-full guy, I like to take the high road here.
Workin’ the Room
I’m amazed at the number of performers – especially singer/songwriters – that just want to sit on a stool on stage and do their show from a seated position. Some of them go so far as to have their own that they travel with so they always have the same seat when they’re performing.
If it was a piano bench, that would be one thing.
Flexibility = More Work
This weekend I went to see a band play at a fairly well-known venue in Tampa. The place calls itself a jazz club, but, ironically, had (and wanted) this band playing danceable songs. And yes, people were dancing. Fast dancing, slow dancing, and mid-tempo songs that still moved the patrons to get out on the dance floor, just like the owner wants.
That's What He/She Said
Today in the United States, Presidents Day is being celebrated. A couple of the proverbial founding fathers are remembered for what they did as well as some things that they said. Profound statements from past presidents have found their way into history books for generations to learn from.
Documenting Your Career’s Ascent
Last night the Grammys were given out, as shown on CBS. In today’s reports about the winners, losers, and performances there will likely be a mention about the ratings. And my question to those who aspire to one day be a nominee is, were you watching? If not, what was the reason?