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By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Having Success During the Pandemic | Photo by Chris CurryIt’s Monday.  Strike one.  And it’s raining, because Hurricane Eta is starting to arrive for an uninvited visit here to the Sunshine State.  Strike two.  And my beloved Tampa Bay Buccaneers suffered a lopsided defeat last night on national television.  Strike three.

It all adds up to a perfect equation to stay in bed and just say, “Forget it.”

Unfortunately, for some people, only one of those three would be enough to decide to just roll over and keep sleeping, and not even set an alarm.

But then there are those who don’t, and those who snooze later end up wondering why they see the other folks having success after success.  They get frustrated looking at social media because they see all the wins that those around them are posting about.

Attitude, my friends, can make or break how far you go.

We are eight months into what I call the Coronavirus era.  That’s an excuse on a silver platter for those who want to gobble it up.  Or it’s an opportunity for the motivated folks that are looking to seize on anything they can conquer.  They view it as a challenge, meaning, a new chance to show success.

I have been so happy to hear artists telling me on “Now Hear This Entertainment” about how they’ve actually flourished during the pandemic, writing, and releasing new music.  You’ll hear that when Episode 353 comes out 48 hours from now.  Heck, last week on Episode 352 RT Valine was talking about the TWENTY-song album he put out on September 2nd.  One week earlier on Episode 351 Bailey James was promoting her latest single, which was her fifth such release this year.  On Episode 349 Casey Kearney was talking about her album that came out on October 2nd, which means that one week ago today she could post that, “It was one month ago today that my new album came out,” as opposed to the glass half empty people who say, “Well, I've got nothing to post about.  There’s not much that can be done until this darn Coronavirus goes away.”

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As far back as April when I was hosting the “Now Hear This Entertainment” Virtual Music Series on Instagram Live, Jessica Meuse was singing a song she had already written about the Coronavirus!  When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.  You don’t go back to sleep because you don’t have the recipe for it.

Unlike the actual raindrops that I can see hitting the window as I sit here and write this, the metaphorical rainy day is here.  In fact, it’s been here, standing at your front door for more of this year than not.  Have you stayed inside and not opened the door, thinking, “Well, now I’m trapped”?  Or have you flung it wide open, with arms outstretched, a smile on your face, and a warm welcome?  I hope it’s the latter and that instead of the same old tired “’Rona” nickname everyone else has already beaten to death, you’ve affectionately greeted it as Opportunity, and are hard at work as though it was Wednesday afternoon, not Monday morning.

Oh, and speaking of Wednesday, the day after tomorrow is Veteran’s Day.  Don’t use it as another excuse to sleep in.  You just might wake up and find out someone you know wrote a hit song about the men and women that have served our country.

How have you thrived during the pandemic?  Puff your chest out and share your wins with me on Twitter via @NHT_tweets.  Alternatively, post about it on Facebook or LinkedIn, or, instead of social media, write to me with the details.