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By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Hopscotch countdownIs it just me or does it already feel a tad bit “late” to be doing a top ten list?  Even though we’re only six days into 2020, I feel like a post such as this one should’ve been done last week.  Maybe it’s because I never stop working, and thus the days all run together.

Nonetheless, since this has become something of a tradition over the last few years on this site, before fully immersing myself in this new year (I know, and new decade), it’s fitting to look back on what were the most read blogs published on this website in 2019.  (To clarify, these are the most read of the blogs that were written by yours truly.  As has also been the case on this site the last few years, next week in this space you’ll see the most read guest blogs from last year.)

10. “Here’s Why You’re Getting Passed Over” - Have you taken a step back to review what you're sending out (pitches to venues, radio stations, podcasts) or, better yet, had a professional look it over for you? Are people landing on your social media or website and getting turned off by what they do or don't see there? That’s what was covered in this entry from the end of last April.

9. “Super Bowl Instant Replay (And It Isn’t the Pats Winning Again)” - The 2019 Super Bowl broadcast necessitated bringing back a blog from two years earlier. References (again!) during the NFL's championship game to "music's biggest event of the year" (the halftime show, not the GRAMMYs) is frustrating to hear for those of us in the music business. Re-read that blog here.

8. “If You DO Have to Put Your Hand Out…” - Written almost as a public service to those in the music business who might not be aware of these programs, this post lauds the work being done by the Recording Academy through MusiCares and Advocacy, plus it describes what those two initiatives are, in the lead-up to a podcast episode about them two days later. This is serious stuff and a must read, for sure.

7. “Are You Confident in What You’re Doing? Don’t Apologize” - Are you making excuses because of what can ultimately be traced back to a lack of confidence? Do you need help that you're not pursuing, so as a result you're just sitting around complaining? This post talks about the confidence needed in order to succeed and who you should get assistance from.

6. “Better Time Management = More Productivity” - What are you doing that could be time better spent on your career and your goals? Do you see colleagues getting ahead and fear that maybe you're not there because of how you do or don't spend your time? Have you considered tracking where all your time goes? Read this for the answers to those questions.

5. “At Least They’re Talking About Me? Baloney!” - Published a day after the broadcast of the GRAMMYs, a commentary on the absurdity of attendees to wear outlandish outfits when clearly the viewers should be focused on -- and the next day talking about -- the music that these artists are creating and not the wardrobe they came in. Also noted is how this can trickle down to an indie artist at a local level. With this year’s awards ceremony coming up in a few weeks, you’ll want to go back and re-read this entry.

4. “Don’t Put All Your Eggs in THEIR Basket” - The close of this blog says it all (following a few examples of why you can't only have your content in one spot) - "Own your virtual real estate. Be diverse. Get seen."

3. “Always Be Ready to Say Yes” - A chance meeting with a past "Now Hear This Entertainment" guest coupled with her willingness to say Yes led to an opportunity that served as a great teaching moment in that by being ready to embrace what was before her, she likely reaped multiple benefits. See who it was and what the circumstances were.

2. “Starbucks and Panera Roll Out a Welcome Mat with an Asterisk” - A bad experience in Los Angeles, where it was power outlets but no WiFi - or the opposite - was a troublesome reminder that it's best to be equipped to be self-sufficient when you travel for business and not rely on major chains to supply what you'd think would be standard courtesies for their customers in this 21st century. Relive the instances encountered here.

1. “What I’ve Learned in Five Years of Podcasting” - On the occasion of passing the five-year mark for "Now Hear This Entertainment," some thoughts were published on how doing the podcast has helped me to strengthen my brand and expand my reach. This post should open a lot of eyes to the power of the medium. See here what those lessons were.

My thanks to everyone who reads this blog every week.  I welcome your feedback including, but not limited to, what you might like to see written about, or even an idea for contributing a guest blog of your own!

Start some new dialogue to forge new relationships in this new year.  Talk with others in our Facebook group!