This Budapest, Hungary-based singer/songwriter has gotten international radio airplay from major U.S. metropolitan stations from New York to Los Angeles to Chicago as well as in Japan and Brazil. The first European guest on “Now Hear This Entertainment,” she was the Akademia Music Awards winner for “Best Pop EP.” A couple months ago she performed at what is believed to be one of, if not the biggest festival in Europe. This past summer she released a single, following up on her EP release from last year.
“I got on a plane on my birthday and I went to L.A.! I got to this lady’s house, she rented her living room to me for the following two months and I lived there… And I think I recorded, like, four or five songs in L.A. during those two months.”
“You need to work on relationships as well. It’s a lot of work. I’m not gonna lie, but, it’s so worth it if you really wanna do this.”
“I’m just so appreciative of every step and I think that’s very important for up-and-comers, to appreciate every little thing that’s happening.”
“Since I’m an up-and-comer, I always look for up-and-comers. I think that’s the trick.”
“Make contacts and keep in touch. Don’t let them forget you.”
“It’s very important, networking, and sometimes it’s scary. Sometimes it’s scary to trust someone, so, be careful, but I always, always give everyone one shot because I think that’s fair. That’s what I want for myself, for everyone to give me one shot.”
“It’s very complicated. I, obviously, since this is my home country, and I wanted to succeed here and I wanted to make my family proud because they don’t really look outside of Hungary. It’s difficult for eastern Europeans to be in their own countries and that’s fine, but, I had a couple of bad experiences here. I was told that my music was too ‘American’ and ‘why is this in English’.”
“I found out so many amazing things about how your vocal chords work and how to properly sing certain notes and it’s just really amazing. It’s just very important to keep practicing because it’s like a muscle – you have to work on it for it to stay fit and to later on be able to do two-hour shows.”
“I’ve worked with a couple of writers over the years and they’ve all been from the U.S. or Germany or the UK. I’ve never actually worked with a Hungarian writer.”
"Catch Me"
"This Time"