SPECIAL EDITION – Former WWE Diva (“Maxine”), actress, and model Karlee Perez talks about the acting work she’s now getting, lessons learned from her time spent in the WWE, who there helped and continues to support her, and leaving WWE to start a new career. She also covers her charity work, a nutrition-based business endeavor, her thoughts on the passing of Robin Williams, and much more.
“It really did give me that leverage and that push of finding out who I was and being comfortable with it.”
“There’s nothing like going out in front of a live audience… If you can speak and perform in front of them, you can do it in front of anybody. And that confidence level it gives you is what you need as a performer or an actor or actress, because that’s what really pushes you to the next level.”
“There was a million people trying to take your spot; you’re fightin’, you’re fightin’ for it, so you gotta make yourself different, do something different. And that’s the same thing in life to me, if you’re going after something, there’s always going to be competition.”
“Eating right is one of the hardest things, and most people don’t even know what that consists of, or what a diet is. They think, ‘diet,’ that they’re starving.”
“One of our diabetic clients…we’ve actually reversed her Type II diabetes with our diet.”
“You can train seven days a week, but if you’re not eating correctly, it doesn’t matter.”
“I had to start at the bottom… You start just by doing anything you can just to rebuild an image again.”
“You have to put your ego aside. The people who carry the ego with them are the ones who struggle the most.”
“I feel I’ve definitely just barely touched the surface of where I want to be.”
“I don’t think there’s any goal that is too big… As long as you’re working towards it in a smart, efficient way, there’s no reason why you can’t reach that goal. You just have to have the plan. If you have a vision and you see the rainbow, it’s just a matter of how you’re walking to the rainbow.”
“Some things you can’t control in life, but there’s other things that, I do believe you can, and so, that’s you and what you bring to your life.”
“When you have, between Twitter and Facebook, and you’re up to about 100 thousand people, you could touch one person, which, I’m very happy I do, because I get responses back and those things could be motivational for those people.”