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Long blonde-haired girl on phone outside with surprised smiling look
By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

We’ve all heard the stories.  Someone we know gets a phone call or an email or some other contact, offering them a simply fantastic opportunity.  It’s totally on the up and up.  We’re happy for them.  And then we wonder why it doesn’t happen to us.  Ever.

Usually it’s, “This guy that – are you ready for this – I went to HIGH SCHOOL with, found me on LinkedIn, saw what I was up to, sent me a connection request with a message attached, and the next thing you know we’re on the phone talking about (insert great opportunity here).  I’ll be starting on the first of the month.”

We’ve also heard the stories of where someone who the person on the receiving end DIDN’T know contacted them and said, “We’ve been following you for a while now and are just really impressed and want to offer you (again, insert great opportunity here).”

I know, “uncle,” right?

I’m here to tell you, don’t give up hope.  It can and will still happen to you someday.  And I know you don’t like that last word (someday) because you want it to be today or tomorrow.  But keep in mind the four Ps approach that I always say that I take in my business: patient, polite, professional, but persistent.

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In December 2021 I was contacted by someone who I last worked with in 2001.  Yup, I have a “twenty years ago” story.  The other lesson here is that while he did have an opportunity for me, it didn’t (formally) come to fruition until last November 1st.  So yes, I had to wait eleven months, for all intents and purposes.  While it’s not technically a Now Hear This client, it’s practically very similar services as I provide to the folks I work for and with, meaning that it was a natural fit.  The fact that I’d be doing it as an independent contractor is semantics.

Have you heard the popular expression, “But wait, there’s more”?

Just in case you think one story is too much of an isolated case, here’s a second occurrence that again testifies to the waiting game eventually paying off.

As I hope you know, every Wednesday I send out my e-newsletter.  In fact, I’ve been doing so for far longer than I care to (try to) remember.  While I should point to that keeping me on people’s radar and (I’m pretty convinced) one contact who receives that having used it as the impetus to refer someone to me for what ended up being a new client relationship, it’s something even more recent that’s a better case study.

Someone who’d been on the list for more than two-and-a-half years contacted me recently via email.  This is someone who I hadn’t previously known.  They were simply an e-newsletter subscriber.  BUT, they wanted/needed publicity for a friend who is an author/speaker.  Long story short, while I wasn’t able to accept the work, I did do a phone call that is going to lead to future consultations with that person doing the publicity work for their friend.  So, everybody wins in this scenario and it’s all from a newsletter subscriber of more than two-and-a-half years deciding, “This Bruce guy can definitely help.”

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Don’t give up.  As Tom Petty sang, “The waiting is the hardest part.”  But, know that stories like these are happening around you and soon you’ll be the one telling someone else about a development like that that took place with you!

Meanwhile, if I can help you, call me!  Take advantage of my more than 19 years helping indie music performers, actors, filmmakers, entrepreneurs, podcasters, and small business owners from around the U.S.  Here is the link for details on us having a voice call together to introduce ourselves and hear what facet of your career I can lend some expertise to.