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Take Inventory and Give Thanks

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

One week from today is Christmas.  You might not make a list anymore of gifts you’d like to receive, but you might very well communicate those wishes to potential buyers anyway.  Whether loved ones and/or friends make those purchases remains to be seen and then you’ll reevaluate what you still want.

Be careful, though.  This very easily becomes a time of year when you start to get jealous of what others have.  You also could fall into the trap of bemoaning the things you didn’t receive.  And from there, you sink yourself further into debt and depression.

I’m Not Sad About Dan Miraldi’s Christmas Song

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Okay, I know, the day after Thanksgiving is supposed to signal the start of the countdown to the biggest holiday of the year, but with all due respect for Black Friday, I think it’s fitting for my first blog of December and Christmas being exactly three weeks from today that I was introduced to a song that puts a nice bow on timing for this review.

“Christmas (I Think I’m Gonna Be Sad)” is the new holiday single from New York City-based rock singer-songwriter Dan Miraldi.  And I’m here to tell you that I like it.

Open-Mindedness, not Assumptions, Will Likely Bring Results

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

About the only thing that everybody in the world knew about was the pandemic.  A close second is (unfortunately) the Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Hamas wars going on.  And if you say, “What do you mean a close second?  Everyone knows about the wars!” then consider that there actually might be some people who don’t!  And that helps you with perspective on not assuming that everyone knows who you are and/or what you do.

A Booking at These Legendary Venues is Within Your Reach

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Call it a bucket list or call it a target (hmm, maybe it’s the New Year’s resolution you make in less than two months), but there are some intimate rooms out there for indie music performers to aim to get booked in.  Whether you do it for an album release party or just for a high-profile performance spot, I’m here to encourage you to not be intimidated by the image that you’ve probably created due to their reputation.

I have personally been to each of these – in most cases, having a client perform there – so I speak from firsthand experience.

Don’t Miss Out – The Time for Videoconferencing Burnout has Passed

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

I went through it too.  In 2020 we all moved our entire lives inside.  Both “quarantined” and “shelter in place” became a regular part of our lexicon.  It almost makes you cringe now to hear those terms because we can only flash back to the worldwide shutdown and the negative memories that we connect to that time.

Don’t Give Up – Someone Unexpected Is Waiting to Embrace Your Message

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

I’m not sure why but I’ve never celebrated the milestones for this weekly blog like I do with those that I hit for my weekly “Now Hear This Entertainment” podcast.  It’s not that it’s the proverbial redheaded stepchild, but I guess it’s more of a put my head down and keep pressing forward type of mindset.  Perhaps I need to reevaluate as a 2024 New Year’s resolution since it’s now been more than nine years that I’ve been publishing something new here every week.

What Corners Are You Cutting?

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

I’m working with someone who recently started a podcast.  An episode of theirs got released on time, yet there were some technical issues very late in production that resulted in it being put out with audio quality that isn’t at the same level as those before and after it.  You either get it out on schedule with sound that you’re not one hundred percent satisfied with, or it sounds the way you want it to but it’s late.

Consistency is Key – Don’t Leave Your Audience Hanging

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

I remember being at Podfest Multimedia Expo in Orlando and listening to a keynote speaker tell a story about a time when he didn’t release an episode of his show.  He put up a slide that showed an email from a listener, asking, “Where the %#&!* is Episode 479?”

Needless to say, this shows real loyalty by an audience who counts on that host to be there when they say they’re going to.