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By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Coach the World secondary logoIf you talk to enough of your peers you eventually get some of them to open up and then you realize that they have the same challenges that you do.  I’m confident that if you read my blogs every week you nod your head in agreement because I’m addressing some of the very questions that you have yourself.  In fact, I hope you’re listening to “Now Hear This Entertainment” every week because not only do a lot of those same concerns get touched upon in my conversations with the guests, but, I take them head-on during the “Bruce’s Bonus” segment each week.  (Here’s a cheat that I hope you’re already aware of, but merits repeating, especially for those who might be new to the blogs and/or the podcast: The content in the “Bruce’s Bonus” segment – well, at least from the first 160 episodes – is all available in the eBook series!)

Next year will mark 15 years since Now Hear This was incorporated in the state of Florida.  So, there have been a lot of years working with a lot of clients (in and outside Florida, I should clarify).  That experience has enabled me to see a lot.  I’ve spent time with people in various stages of their career and we’ve tackled a wide variety of situations that have come our way and achieved quite a bit.  I’ve traveled to venues and events in major markets and not so major markets.  And this is all in addition to the work I’d done for employers (nationally and internationally) and for a couple full-service agencies.

Somewhere along the way I made the decision that I wanted to help people.  That’s what Now Hear This has been about, and thus the weekly blogs and NHTE episodes to provide insights.

However, that’s a general “I hope this helps/applies” approach, and it’s time to get more specific.  I want to help you.  Only you know your specific situation and the challenges that you’re facing.  I want you to succeed and not have these things hold you back.  It’s okay to ask for help.  After all, it could be the difference between being stuck in the mud, spinning your wheels, and moving forward in your career.

Today a new service has been rolled out.  Above I mentioned the eBooks, which are great and really (really) affordable.  However, you might read them and have questions, but no one to interact with.  Now we can talk one-on-one about what could move the needle for you.  Effective immediately you can book video consultations with me through Coach The World, which is a platform that brings everything into one online location, rather than me having to tell you, “Email me to compare schedules, then go to PayPal to submit the fee, and then let’s get on Skype to talk.”  Who wants to jump through all those hoops?  Instead there’s this virtual office where all of that is built in so we can get online quickly and get down to the business of talking about your brand, your image, your business – your career.

I want to help you.  All that experience that I referenced above?  I’m doing a great disservice if I don’t share the wisdom from all my years in the business, heck, in my professional career, with people who can and want to benefit from it.  There are 15, 30, and 60-minute sessions that we schedule at your convenience, regardless of the day of the week or the time zone.  This is an ongoing service.  It’s not like a webinar where if you miss it at the date and time that they say, you’re out of luck, or where you do get on but you can’t get your questions answered.

Put yourself in the best possible position to succeed.  Book some time with me and let’s talk about you and what you need.  Your career is worth it.

Remember that our Facebook Group is just one more resource that’s always available for interacting with other members of our online community.  Join and post today!

P.S. – I look forward to seeing you online via the Coach The World platform!