What qualifies this guy to host this podcast every week and speak to the music business? What are his credentials and who are all these guests that he has been talking to over the first 14 episodes? The Now Hear This president creates a teaching opportunity from this episode’s scheduled guest canceling at the last minute and also answers the questions posed in this paragraph and uses his insights and experience to give out several tips along the way. (NOTE: opening song is by Shawna P, closing song is by Lindsay McCaul)
“You can never have too many contacts.”
“You take chances in the music business. I gamble all the time, but I'm saying that in a good way. I'm always trying to be creative, always challenge myself to push the envelope and look for new opportunities.”
“You need to look at your game and say, ‘What am I doing? What can I do better? And, where do I need to perhaps challenge myself, identify some areas of weakness, and say I really do just stay in my little comfort zone here – I need to break out of my shell, break out of my home area and reach into some new geographic areas just to establish some other contacts.’”
“I heard somebody say at an event, ‘Why would you continue to do something day after day if it’s not something that you would like to do two days in a row?’ So, if you find yourself with the same frustrations every day, those aren't going to change until you make that change.”
”You also have to be careful – and this is why you have to develop and nurture these relationships with people – because you need to get to know them. Who do they know? How influential are they? How opinionated are they? If you do make a bad impression on them, are they going to run and tell everybody under the sun or are they someone who is just going to file it away and move on with their day? And it doesn't mean it's okay to burn bridges, but it just helps.”
”The moral to the story is find out what someone's personal interest is. They may be tremendously attached to their pet. Or, find out what their family situation is; if they are married, if they have children, that type of thing. It always looks good that you are being nice enough to recognize that there is more to that person outside of whatever you do together musically.”
"Dig Deep" (Shawna P)
"One More Step" (Lindsay McCaul)