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By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Rose Cora Perry last week at the WhiskyIt’s a commonly used expression nowadays – almost, dare I say, overused – by life coaches, business consultants, sales trainers, and other motivational professionals.  People are being challenged regularly to “know (their) why.”  What’s the point of doing something if you’re not even sure of what your purpose is for that pursuit, why you do it?

While the emphasis is on looking internally, in this week’s blog I’m calling a timeout to celebrate individuals who I had the joy of witnessing their ‘why’ discovery over the last week.  How nice it was to stand and watch people and know that I was experiencing their ‘why.’

In no particular order…

Last week Tuesday night while I was in California I went to the fabled Whisky-A-Go-Go in Hollywood.  It was high time I finally got to this legendary venue.  What brought me there was Rose Cora Perry, the guest from Episode 185 of “Now Hear This Entertainment,” who has displayed what I’ve talked about on NHTE so many times and written about in my weekly blog.  She has stayed in touch since our interview last July in Nashville and invited me to her show at the Whisky.  As I stood watching her perform, I told myself, “This is why she does it; wow, the Whisky-A-Go-Go, for a girl from all the way in London, Ontario (Canada).”  I saw her performing with all the emotion (joyful relief) that said, ‘It’s a moment like this that makes all the work worthwhile.’  Afterwards I talked to her and saw a continuous smile as we chatted.  Way to go, Rose.

The next day I was introduced to a singer, songwriter, guitar player named RT Valine.  Although we were on "the left coast," he actually just moved from California to Oklahoma because he wanted the quiet, farm-like atmosphere that was disappearing out west.  I was told about his two 30-song albums (yes, the number after 29, that’s not a typo) and about how he’d been asked by the folks from “The Voice” to be on the show.  RT looked at the contract and said he’d pass.  Sensing true humility in those first five minutes I’d ever spent talking to him, I wasn’t surprised when he told me that he didn’t want to hand over rights to songs he wrote just so that he can be on a TV show.  RT knows his ‘why.’  He’s not trying to become a millionaire off his music.  That’s a rare thing and it was admirable to witness it.

Florida-based singer/songwriter Frankie Raye got word that she’d be participating at this year’s Key Largo Songwriters Festival.  For a previous instance of the event she was accepted in, but then severe weather down there that week resulted in the cancellation of her slots.  Her persistence and patience resulted in the green light for the 2018 edition.  I could sense a joyful exhale that again resembled another artist grabbing hold of their ‘why.’

Don’t misunderstand me – I’m not mixing ‘why’ with end goal.  I clearly see that these individuals’ ‘why’ is, “I’m fueled to create music that is going to impact people – whether it’s emotionally or moving them to want to offer me opportunities.  My ‘why’ is, because I’ve been given a talent that I want to craft, nurture, grow, develop.”

I pray that this won’t sound self-serving, but, the timing was too coincidental that amidst all of the above, I too got a chance to say, “See?  This is why I keep putting out a new show week after week.  I want to impact people to the point where they say, ‘He’s helping and/or entertaining me and I find value in that.’”  I’m referring to a new contributor that came onboard with the Patreon campaign for “Now Hear This Entertainment.”  Seeing that come in made me say, “Yes,” and smile and look forward to the next day’s interviews at the NAMM Show.

The buzzword these days in business is people calling these events ‘wins.’  I was glad to be able to witness these victories as ‘why’ discovery moments.

What is your ‘why’?  When and how did you discover it?  Do you have a recent win-type story that relates?  Talk about all this in our Facebook group.