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By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Headphones hanging over microphone on standIn just over two months I will hit the six-year anniversary of my weekly podcast.  I’ve always taken great pride in the fact that a new episode has been delivered on-time, every week since February 2014 (Episode 304 comes out just under 48 hours from now).

But the part of that that I don’t think I’ve realized that I’ve been quite fortunate about is always having a guest.  Well, almost all the time.

Now, keeping in mind that I also hosted the bi-weekly “TASCAM Talkback” podcast from August 2017 until this past February, plus the fact that for the last ten months I’ve also been hosting the weekly “Catholic Sports Radio” podcast, I’d say it’s quite an accomplishment that out of those combined 388 episodes, there are only three times (that I can think of) when the guest didn’t show up.

Never mind that some podcasters will say, “Why don’t you just always make sure you’re an episode or two or three ahead so that you’ve got episodes in the can to make sure you don’t get left holding the bag if a guest doesn’t show up?”

The point here is, when you get the privilege to be a guest on someone’s show (radio, TV, podcast), you need to honor that commitment.

For starters, you only have one chance to make a good first impression.

Secondly, when you no-show, do you think the host and/or producer is going to want to risk trying you another time, hoping that the results will be different?

Thirdly, what if it’s a live show?  Now they really have to scramble to fill that time during the show when they were supposed to be talking to you.

Next is, you obviously have something you want to promote, but now you’ve missed a chance to do that as well as a second chance that might’ve come from you being a really great guest that gets invited back.

Fifth is, just like an up-and-coming performer every time they step on a stage, when you get interviewed, you never know who’s listening or watching.  Thus, by being a no-show, there won’t be any surprise opportunities coming your way courtesy of a listener or viewer who has something for you.

Sixth – and one that, as a host, I should’ve put first – is that it’s just plain disrespectful.  When you don’t “show up” for an interview (in quotation marks because I realize that it might just even be via telephone), you’re basically sending a message that, “I don’t value your time (host/producer).”

Now, keep in mind that this is all based on the assumption that you just flat out didn’t show up.  Meaning, if you’re in the hospital or stranded on the side of the road or in bed (really) sick, that’s different.  But, to just flat out not do it and really not make a sincere effort to get in touch to explain and – here’s the important part – reschedule, well that just reflects poorly on you and your values.

Be a pro every time.  Take (and show up for) every interview and watch them multiply.

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