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Link (to Wasted Space) in Bio

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Purely by coincidence my blog this week could almost be considered a Part 2 of sorts to what I wrote in last week’s post.  It was something I saw between putting that one online and now that made me realize there was more ground to cover on the subject.

I’m referring to what it says in your bio, although this week I’m specifically thinking Instagram and Twitter (a.k.a. X).

Is Your Job Title Helping You or Hurting You?

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Nowadays everybody wants to be an influencer or a content creator or both.  In fact, a great number of people will put one or both of those on their social media accounts to identify themselves as being exactly that, regardless of what level they’re at and/or if it’s even true or not.

And that, my friends, is a very common and serious problem worth analyzing.

A Big Three-Letter Word for Your Creator Career

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

So many times we’ve heard the hypothetical situations posed to us.  “What ONE person, dead or alive, would you have dinner with if you could?”  Or people, of course, ask, “What would you do if you won the lottery?  How would you spend all that money?”

There’s a long list of these types of scenarios, none of which are anything realistic.

Pay Attention: Focus on the Details So You Don’t Miss Out on Results

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

We’re living in a short attention span society.  I get it and this shouldn’t be coming as news to any of you.  Consider why short form videos are so en vogue.  For that matter, post Reels on Instagram and then look at your analytics for the average watch time.  Eight seconds maybe?  There’s your proof that people just aren’t staying focused on much for very long.

Ghosting People in 2023? Prepare to Be Found Out

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

In my online “Interview Tips Course,” one of the many (many) lessons that learners will hear about is to not cancel.  There are so many reasons to not cancel, I explain, and it really should only be done if you honestly and truly are borderline headed to the hospital (or already in the hospital).  Sure, a death in the family would qualify too, although even then, if it’s your mom’s aunt who is 97 years old and 1500 miles away and you haven’t had any contact with Aunt Mary in years and years, don’t play the

Ariana Colletti Gets Attention with Original Song

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

I saw something recently that argued that “innocent until proven guilty” has been reversed in recent times to where people are starting to feel like, “guilty until proven innocent.”  The music industry version of that might be – as tough as this is – that when you start getting into the song review business you can easily get pulled into a posture of assuming the songs are going to be bad until someone convinces you otherwise.

Most Fitting Tribute on mGrim’s “With Love”

By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Last month marked seven years already since the fatal shooting in Orlando of pop star Christina Grimmie.  At only 22 years old this was absolutely a case of gone (way) too soon.  Clearly, she was otherwise destined to very much make her mark on the music scene for years and years to come.

We’re halfway through the ten-year anniversary of one of her most popular and iconic albums.  To mark the occasion, her brother Marcus (artist name mGrim) is carrying on her legacy, reimagining the title track from “With Love” in a rock/math rock form.