A Christian singer/songwriter who plays piano, has released two EPs, and performed at World Youth Day in Brazil and a Christian Music Festival in Italy, in addition to numerous youth conferences and parish & youth events across the United States. She gives part of her faith testimony, talks about her publishing deal and a trip to Africa, and comments on making peace with having to acknowledge the business component of her music ministry.
“Sometimes when you’re up there on the stage, a lot of times teenagers just kind of see you as a celebrity automatically because you have a stage and you have a platform and there’s lights and there’s big sound, and so you’re just kind of seen automatically as a celebrity.”
“I … try to make sure that they know that I’m not a celebrity; that I’m just a regular person, with regular struggles and that I want to talk with them and have a relationship with them, you know, as much as I can on a short weekend, but, that I am just a real person.”
“One theme that I’ve struggled with before and that I continue to wrestle through and, a theme that I think shows up a lot in my songs is just a theme of just struggling with doubt, struggling with fears, and trusting in God.”
“A lot of times my songs end up being ministry for me even, when I’m singing them out loud and when I’m singing them for people it’s something that I need to hear as well.”
“It’s pretty amazing – I would say that when you think about music, it doesn’t matter what genre it is, it speaks to the soul.”
“I love connecting with people on my social media sites, but, I definitely do not love the organizational side of things.”
“I wish I could just travel the country and sing in churches for free.”
"Impossible Things"
"Hallelujah is Our Song"