Born in England, she went to New York on vacation and never went home, later moving to California before settling in Arizona, where she now resides and does theater in addition to her music. She was the International Music and Entertainment Association’s 2015 Folk Artist of the Year, had their Folk Album of the Year the previous year, and earned three other notable awards in 2015. Among other topics, she discusses how one of her music videos got shown at the New York City Independent Film Festival and other similar events.
“I went to law school in England. I did everything in England, and that was home. And then I went to New York on vacation one time and never went home!”
“Anyone who knows anything about theatre knows you spend most of your time sitting around doing nothing. So, during that time in rehearsals and things, I’d just grab a pen and paper and be writing my own stuff. And I had a friend who was, at the time, recording, and I thought ya’ know what, it’s about time I put some of my stuff down as well.”
“Playing your own music in front of people is absolutely petrifying.”
“I’m actually one of the few English people that sing with an English accent as well, so I do understand that that’s always going to be something someone – that people comment on – and, honestly, having anything to talk about, having people to talk about you anyhow is not a bad thing, but, there does come a time where it’s like, ‘Okay, we’ve covered that. Can we talk about music or anything else.’ But… if that’s what people remember you by, then, they remember you. So, if they remember me as the English girl, then they remember me as that. At least they remember me.”
“I spent a lot of time in the studio doing it to try to get a more consistent sound because… if you record over a long period of time I find that one song sounds a certain way and then when you record the next song, maybe six months later, it sounds completely different.”
“(awards) does help with confidence, especially when you’re not a mainstream artist… So, it is nice to be recognized and to know that you’re on a par with other people, be it in your genre or different genres, who maybe don’t fit as well. So it’s just nice to know that you have a place and you have people that want to listen to what you do.”
“There’s a forum that lists all the festivals that host music videos and there’s an application process for it. So, you can put your video on there, but after that it is just a case of sort of cross your fingers and see if anyone picks it up.”
“It’s a tough world but it is possible. You just gotta keep plugging away. Overnight successes take, like, ten years.”
“A lot of studies say it takes, like, five times of people hearing you, or, seeing you before they’ll actually remember you and then go on to look at you. So, persistence is definitely one of the keys.”
"Wanna Say I'm Sorry"
"I Forgive You"