Author Michael Deeze is the newest client for Now Hear This, as announced today by company president Bruce Wawrzyniak. Based in the greater Chicago area, he has written Bless Me Father and For I Have Sinned (pictured below), with his third book, The Heretic, having been sent to the publisher.
“I’m proud to have Mike in the Now Hear This circle,” Wawrzyniak said. “When I met him, we found a lot of commonalities. But I also saw someone who wanted more for his works, which is always a great quality to see. I welcome and am grateful for the opportunity to bring more notice to him and the books he is writing. He gets things done and I’m drawn to that trait too.”
Deeze said, “Meeting Bruce Wawrzyniak and joining the Now Hear This team has been the best and smartest business decision I've made! Bruce has tailored a marketing and promotion program that matches my personal needs and has helped immeasurably in getting my books in front of all of the right people. Thank you, Bruce!”
Named one of the “Most Exciting Independent Writers for 2018” by Indie Authors Magazine for his short stories, Deeze is also creating The Legacy Project, aimed at showing people how important their own life stories are and teaching them how to produce their own legacy by creating an oral history of their life experiences. In that way, they can pass their knowledge and experience on to their children and their children’s children.
At the end of his life, Deeze’s father presented him with a diary that he had kept during WWII. Throughout his life he would never speak of it, no matter how hard Mike and his family pressed him. After reading it, Mike understood. The horror of the war, and the effect it must have had on a small-town farm boy explained to Mike why his father had been so emotionally distant his entire life. Mike says, “If I’d known I might have had a better relationship with him. I decided not to let that happen to my children and set out to document some of my own life.”
A physician and U.S. Army veteran, he spent decades living near the forests of northern Wisconsin. He has visited every state in the Union and worked on five of the seven continents of the world and is a devoted father to his three children. He now resides in the Rockford, Illinois, area.
Find more on his website and/or his Facebook page.
The first two books by Michael Deeze