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By: Bruce Wawrzyniak

Computer screen showing generic video playerI just came back from Las Vegas where I was attending the NAB Show (National Association of Broadcasters).  The convention center's three halls were divided between radio, audio, and -- as it relates to this week's blog -- video.

I talked extensively with a contact of my friends at TASCAM and learned all about how elaborate you can get with live streaming.

Okay, wait, let's stop for a moment because I know you're already saying, "Ugh, I can't afford whatever he's going to recommend."  For openers, not only am I just going to present concepts and benefits versus actual products and who makes them, it makes me wonder what other limits you're putting on your career?  For example, some people know they need services such as what Now Hear This offers, yet they let cost get in the way of advancement.  I will likely then tell those folks that they do, though, need the tips in the Bruce's Bonus Book (eBook) series, which they can apply immediately and start seeing changes as a result of.  When they pass on that (each volume's cost equivalent to the proverbial Starbucks cup of coffee), I wonder how committed to their career they truly are.  (Didn’t somebody once say that you have to spend money to make money?)

(Maybe the above paragraph should be the starting point for a blog for another time!?)

That conversation at NAB opened my eyes to possibilities (yes, for an indie artist) such as multi-camera broadcasts (and switching between them) and lower-thirds, not to mention interactive options such as polls and chat.  Think your viewers will start telling others to watch the live streams of your performances if you kick the broadcasts themselves up a notch?

If you're content with just propping your phone up against something for a Facebook Live, remember, you get what you pay for.

I believe it was Aubryn back on "Now Hear This Entertainment" Episode 58 who talked about the lighting she employs for her weekly performances done live online.  Then there's Karen Waldrup (NHTE 42, NHTE 88, and NHTE 166) who is crushing it with her "Waldrup Wednesday" Facebook Live broadcasts.  (Andrea Crisali and Dominique Ruiz attest to that on NHTE 214.)  Melissa Bret (NHTE 9) gets a great response (that buzzword, 'engagement') when she goes live as well.

And this is all without yet mentioning platforms such as Concert Window and StageIt, not to mention YouTube Live being an option instead of Facebook Live, as Ashley E. Norton from Whitherward has recently spoken about the benefit of, to the point where they've switched over.  (The person I was speaking to at NAB mentioned Periscope more than once, which made me re-think how much people are using it, meaning, seemingly more than I thought.)

How do you get new fans?  How do you broaden the reach of your music?  You might not be in a position to tour, but you can perform in front of fans in other cities, states, and countries via their computer or mobile device -- even if just from home instead of at an actual gig.  Or you can find an excuse to not do it while the others around you grow their reach.

Talk about your live streaming experiences (good or bad) in our Facebook group.  And get more help for your career with the tips in the Bruce's Bonus Book eBook series.