Nashville-based singer, songwriter, guitar player who is signed with Sony Music Publishing Nashville and Droptine Music Publishing. He earned chart success with his first No. 1 single “My Boy” by Elvie Shane as well as with cuts by Drew Green. His latest hit “Whiskey On You” by Nate Smith has topped the Canadian charts and reached No. 1 on Billboard’s Country Airplay. As a performer he has been on countless stages at a wide range of venues and events and will be performing later this year in Denmark.
“You play ‘em this work tape on an iPhone and, like, you’re all standing around a console and they’re kind of all talking to each other like you kind of think they’re not paying attention. They’ve never heard the song before and the song’s over and they’re like, ‘Alright, y’all wanna give it a shot?’ … It’s one of the most impressive things, still one of my favorite things to do as a writer.”
“My dad… and Lyle Lovett played guitar together on the steps of the… dorms at (Texas) A&M.”
“I grew up around country music. I grew up around the business a little bit, in a way, kind of in the middle of my life.”
“My dad’s telling the story about losing me at a festival in Grand Junction, Colorado, when I was twelve years old and he couldn’t find me and he’s radioing everybody and then he sees this long-haired blonde kid in an 18-wheeler and he runs over to this guy and it’s Vince Gill showing me around his 18-wheeler and all his guitars.”
“They gave guys record deals off a frickin’ karaoke tape! That’s weird!”
“If you can do anything else (other than music), just do it. Just ‘cause the odds are so stacked against you.”
“I graduated with three degrees (from Texas A&M) and went to work at Dell (Computers) and did really well there… I was the account executive for the state government of Maryland doing about 45-something million a year for Dell… and I was absolutely miserable.”
“I was dead broke. I was about to have to go get a gig as, like, a valet at the Omni or something. I even turned in an application to be a bartender.”
“We kinda got a manager and then within a couple months we had six national act shows and we didn’t even have a band yet.”
“He was like, ‘Man, I want to sign you.’ And he was like, ‘Will you stop taking meetings, ‘cause I’d love to sign you.’ And it was in conjunction with Sony.”
“Knee Deep in Neon” (Chris Young DEMO)