Formed in Australia, now based in Los Angeles, and just released a new EP last month. They have had three radio Number 1s within three weeks here in the U.S. since releasing the single as well as been added to rotation across more than 50 radio stations across the U.S. and Canada. Their music video (including the trailer) got over 300 thousand views in the first three weeks between Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram combined. They were nominated as one of Music Connections magazine L.A.’s top 100 unsigned bands of 2018. Among others, Ronnie worked with Richie Ramone (from The Ramones) and he talks about opening up for Motley Crue on their farewell tour.
(Foxie) "It happens really organically for us. We're not really mechanical people that sit down and go, 'We're gonna write a song and we're gonna make sure it has a double chorus at the end.' ... It just happens and that's what's so great about writing together, 'cause I think I struggled connecting with a lot of writers before Ronnie."
(Foxie) "We both realized that we were stronger and better together not only relationship-wise but creatively."
(Foxie) "Even if you're in a band with people (that) you're not in a relationship with or working with people, not all personalities gel well together. You see so many bands that go out on the road or they go into the studio and everyone just clashes and they end up fighting and tearing it apart from the inside... And I never wanted to end up in that situation."
(Foxie) "Just do it. Just email people. The worst they can say is No. You just have to try and you never know."
(Ronnie) "The population of Australia fits inside the city of Los Angeles and it's the entertainment mecca of the world. So... it was always a dream of mine to come here... If you want to make music you want to come here."
(Foxie) "It's tough moving overseas and a lot of people don't understand that until they've experienced it themselves. Ya' know, you leave your family behind, you leave all your friends."
(Ronnie) "My advice to people is, I don't have contacts, I have friends. Every person you meet along the way, they can help you, and never take that friendship for granted."
(Foxie) "You do it because you love it. You have to, otherwise you do end up on the couch just putting the work off and resenting what you're doing."
(Ronnie) "There's always someone out there that's willing to get up earlier than you. There's always someone willing to work harder than you. And there's always someone that wants it badder than you do."
"Before You"
"Please Me"