Originally from Paris, this international opera and Broadway singer, actor, producer, and recording artist has a performance coming up at Carnegie Hall. Also an arranger, jazz pianist, and songwriter, he has performed in some of the biggest and most revered venues around the world, ranging from Times Square in New York to Wembley Stadium in London. His latest album was released last November and was entirely composed, performed, arranged, and produced by himself. He has extensive credits on IMDB and was evenly recently invited by AOL to an event with Pharrell Williams.
“I’m used to singing songs that are not written by me, so, it was the first time that I was singing my own songs even though I’ve been writing songs for the last 20 years… It was a very new challenge.”
“I’m doing a lot of movies and also doing a lot of theater, so (when songwriting) I like also to give a theatrical dimension… to the song where something is happening where it’s fun and, a song is very, for me, is, very reflecting of the personality. I’m somebody (who’s) always very joyful, funny… so, that’s the whole idea.”
“When I really fell in love I was, like, you know, I don’t care about the rest of the world, I care about your world, so I changed the song (to) “be the greatest of your world.”
“In the old days, to do music, we needed to be surrounded by musicians. Nowadays, you can… create, almost, your instruments. (For) example, the brass (on my album) I mixed, I don’t know, four or five instruments that would have never physically been able to produce that sound.”
“You can reach more people by doing pop rock music, but it’s harder to reach an audience and have people attending your show when you’re doing pop rock music rather than, by example, for opera where it’s (a case of) people come by the name (of the opera) and the same for a musical.”
“I always say to artists, be yourself because the others are already taken… When you do pop music you should really think like you are a company and people have to taste your brand, people have to discover your brand so you have to play, play, play, play everywhere that it is possible.”
“As an opera singer I’m one of the very few, I was the first one, actually, to use social media, to use YouTube at a time when people, especially in opera or in classical music were not taking YouTube very seriously… Now the next thing you know is that all the opera houses in the world are using YouTube.”
“It’s very important for me to listen to other music and, especially, to perform other music because I think it makes me, as an artist, as a singer especially, … richer, in an artistic point of view.”
“One thing I realized, because I was lucky and fortunate to meet very important singers and ask them advice… I realized that the higher the star is, the easier it is to work with him or with her.”
“The best agent is yourself. You will never find somebody better who will know your music better than yourself.”
"You Are for Me"
"All My Love is for You"