An award-winning singer, composer, trumpeter, and producer who won Best EDM Song at the 2016 Hollywood Music in Media Awards, although he performs what he considers a sub-genre called TDM – Trumpet Dance Music. He has a multi-decade résumé of work with artists from different eras and has created a movement called “We Are One.” He once played with Dizzy Gillespie and has performed at venues and events ranging from LA Fashion Week to Carnegie Hall to the White House to the Hollywood Palladium and even in Las Vegas. He had a song that became the first recording on the Billboard Dance Music chart by a trumpeter since Herb Alpert more than three decades earlier. He has even played for legendary pop and rock artists including Foreigner, James Brown, and Marvin Gaye.
"There's a point... in your life where you stop thinking about just 'how cool I am' and 'how far I can get in my life,' - How can I do something for other people?"
"I sat down and on the back of a phone bill I just wrote all the lyrics and it was so easy, it just kind of flowed. So I knew that this was far bigger than me."
"I feel like everything that happens in my life is inspired by my Creator... God tells me what I'm supposed to do. And as crazy as that sounds in 2018, it's how I live my life."
"...how important it is for us to do things that can touch people. Sometimes it's... just a lyric that can empower people or give people a little bit of extra strength and encouragement."
"I've done many things with all the major labels, really, over the years. But I never wanted to get caught up in all the politics and the craziness of these corporations... And that's not to say that the people who are there are evil or anything. It's just that it doesn't fit with my way of thinking on a lot of things."
"When I moved to L.A. I was a teenager and I showed up in L.A. with a bag of clothes - literally a grocery bag full of clothes - and my trumpet and six dollars. And so I said, 'Make it or break it, I'm here. I'm gonna take over this town. I'm gonna do what I can do and they're gonna have to pay me to do it. That's all there is to it'."
"The most passion I have is for the trumpet, honestly, because that's how I connect. When I play the trumpet, I don't care what kind of music it is, I'm in that moment. I close my eyes and I go somewhere and it's just an amazing experience for me as an artist."
"When the world is opening up opportunities - those doors are opening - go through that door. Don't say, 'Well, no, I'm not gonna do that. I'm going to do something different.' Because sometimes the opportunities that are afforded each of us are just by showing up and going through the door."
"All of us that have a talent, I think that we have a tremendous responsibility to use it and touch other people's lives."
"Now Or Never"