When you’re busy seeking media coverage for your clients and continuously working on various aspects of promoting and managing them, getting your own company into the limelight isn’t the top priority. However, Now Hear This has managed to carve out some opportunities of its own both in print and on TV.
The latest coverage came in the form of a column just published on company president Bruce Wawrzyniak, Now Hear This itself, the weekly “Now Hear This Entertainment” podcast and even, to some extent, NHT star client Melissa Brethauer.“I’m most grateful to Ernest Hooper for this piece that he wrote (photo at right),” Wawrzyniak said of the columnist. “So much time is spent talking about and on behalf of Now Hear This clients that it presents a real change to sit and speak about our own endeavors. As I always tell potential new clients in our first meeting, once we get beyond that stage it’s all about them. So, yes, it’s kind of different to be talking to media here and there about Now Hear This.”
The podcast in particular has generated a good deal of interest from traditional media.
Prior to the aforementioned column, another article had run in a different local newspaper. That came approximately two weeks after Wawrzyniak appeared – along with a duo act from Orlando that he brought – on a daytime TV show on the CBS affiliate in Tampa.
When the podcast was first launched, yet another newspaper had run a story about “Now Hear This Entertainment” too.
Wawrzyniak also expressed pride in the great interest that many wrestling websites showed in the 29th episode of “Now Hear This Entertainment,” whose guest was Karlee Perez, formerly known as WWE Diva “Maxine.” The Now Hear This president indicated that Perez’s appearance got coverage through wrestling websites and social media.
While not revealing any specific outlets, Wawrzyniak did indicate a strong interest in gaining national media attention for “Now Hear This Entertainment.” Watch for updates by Liking the Now Hear This page on Facebook and/or following Now Hear This on Twitter.