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By: Laura Wright

Singer, songwriter, dancer, actress Laura Wright performs on the Las Vegas ‘strip’ and – as you’re about to read – regularly on cruise ships.  The guest from Episode 190 of our weekly “Now Hear This Entertainment” podcast provides the following insights into the business of performing at sea.

Laura WrightI have been performing since the age of 3.  I started taking singing, dancing, and acting lessons as a child and started working professionally soon after.  I have done everything from community theater to theme parks, night clubs, and “American Idol.”  I received my B.F.A in Musical Theatre at Valdosta State University and have done tours, been a backup singer and a recording artist on iTunes and all other music sources, plus I’ve been in several Las Vegas shows (am currently in Vegas! The Show at Planet Hollywood on the iconic Las Vegas Strip).  I also perform with my own show as a guest entertainer on all cruise lines around the world.

I have been a guest entertainer for about four years now.  I started with a trio group, Divas3, and after a few years with the fabulous ladies I started writing my own show.  I have now been doing my solo act for a little over a year.  The process of being a guest entertainer for cruise lines starts with your agency that sends you bookings.  Bookings consist of the dates they need you for, the length of time you will be on the ship and the ship itself that you will be working on.  Soon after the bookings are set, you will have your flight information sent to you.

The do’s and don’ts of working on a cruise ship are pretty simple.  When you are booked on the contract, have everything ready for the production manager and all other techs that will be doing your show.  For example, when I leave for a cruise I always have my charts organized and ready.  Charts are the music for each band member, for each song that I will perform in my show.  I have a folder for each band member (guitar, piano, bass, etc.) and in the front of the folder is the set list.  The set list is the rundown of the songs that I will be doing from the beginning to end.  I also organize the folder for the production manager with the set list rundown order, as well as any cues for lights, sound or video.

Once I have all of my show information organized, I pack it all neatly and start my journey.  Once on board, I meet the entire team working with me and my show in the theatre and hand out the charts to the band members.  They will then tell me when and what time my sound check is and what night my shows will be for the week.  Sound check is the rehearsal time you get before your show with the band and tech team.  You work through and perform each song to make sure it is running smooth, as well as working through all show rundown, lighting, and sound.  While on board the cruise ships, it’s important to be kind to everyone.  Something any job should stand by and know.  Do your show to the best of your ability and deliver a great experience for all those guests who are cruising and enjoying their vacation.  That is something I always remind myself of.  The people who are guests and book the cruise worked very hard to save money for the vacation of their dreams.  I want nothing more than to be an asset to their trip and memories.

While on a cruise working, you may do your show one night out of a seven night cruise, and/or do two shows during that week.  It all depends on the ship, the booking, and what they need.  Another great opportunity I have while performing my own show is selling my CDs after the show.  Depending on the cruise line they may take a percentage out of what you sell.  However, getting to sell your merchandise and promote your work is a wonderful experience.  I love being able to meet people from all over the world and hear their stories.

I absolutely love working as a guest entertainer and being able to do my own show while traveling the world and going on adventures.  Being able to sing the songs that mean the most to me and show the world who I am is one of the greatest feelings.  One of the biggest responses I get from my show is a number I do with a video that plays behind me.  I would tell you all about it… but I’d rather you see it for yourself.  So go book that cruise!

Visit Laura’s official website, follow her on social media (Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube), and check out her newest CD release!  And, talk about this blog in our Facebook Group!