Some quick successes are being achieved for client Mission Recovery, as Now Hear This displays more results it’s getting not only for performers but small businesses.Focused on awareness and education of addictions, not to mention recovery from problems with drugs, alcohol, gambling, and more, Mission Recovery involves three key elements: counseling sessions with Certified Addictions Professional Dan Cosby, weekly community gatherings under the Life Tree Café umbrella, and the writings of author Sharron Cosby.
Among the highlights in the short span of time since starting work for Mission Recovery, Now Hear This has:
• Begun the re-branding process by creating the new company name, which was previously Recovery Church.
• Booked five speaking engagements for Dan Cosby
• Placed Sharron Cosby on a daytime TV show on the CBS affiliate in Tampa as well as booked two radio interviews for her. (Listen to one of the two here.)
• Secured a book-signing opportunity for Sharron at Barnes & Noble
“I’m certainly proud of the results achieved so far for Mission Recovery,” Now Hear This President Bruce Wawrzyniak said. “It has been a blessing working with Dan and Sharron and witnessing their outreach. This is a good fit for Now Hear This and what has been achieved so far not only provides momentum but motivation to keep seeking new opportunities for them at higher levels so that bigger audiences can be served by what they’re doing.”
The Now Hear This president added that another TV appearance (out of state) for Sharron is in the pipeline and that other initiatives are being explored as well.
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